What sea creature is as big as four
The giant of the mighty oceans, four times the size of the now
extinct dinosaur, is none other than the blue whale. An adult blue whale
can measure up to 32 mt - that is 100 feet. And guess what it weighs.
Over 200 tonnes, as much as about 60 elephants! The females are said to
be even bigger.
a lizard sheds its skin
Lizards and snakes too need to shed their skin, just like us. We lose
our skin, all the time, in minute flakes, while lizards do so from time
to time, in large pieces. Sometimes a lizard will pull a piece of skin
off with its teeth and eat it. While its shedding its old skin, the
bright new skin is growing underneath, all the time.
What reptiles make good mothers or fathers
reptiles are not popular as good parents. Most reptiles don't look after
their young and abandon them soon after birth. However, crocodiles and
alligators are an exception. These scaly mothers have been seen guiding
their young or even carrying their babies in their huge mouths to the
water. They even stay with them for several months to protect them from
predators. Males of course rarely step into the role of parenting. But,
the male mugger, an Indian crocodile sometimes crushes the eggs that are
about to hatch, very gently in his mouth to help his babies into the
world. Then, along with the female, he escorts them down to the water.
He may even help to guard them, but he'll never teach his babies to care
for themselves. '
Which marine animal has devil's horns

The Manta ray is also known as the devil fish. The 'horns' as they
are called, are only fins that curve forward from its head, like the
horns of a devil. The Manta ray uses them to scoop food into its mouth
as it swims along the sea-bed. |