Teenage simply means the best period of one’s life and it is quite a
wonderful time. Drugs mean a killer which can darken our lives and make
us fall into hell with the harmful effects of it. Today with the busy
and fast movement of the world everything has changed and the menace of
drugs on teens has become a very common topic.
Most of the drug users are unfortunately teenagers who run out of the
values of their lives very quickly.
A drug can change the function or the structure of one’s mind or
body. Some drugs are used to cure diseases and they are called
medicines, but there are harmful drugs as well for example, cocaine,
marijuana etc.
The illegal use of medicine also can be taken as a misuse of drugs,
but the most dangerous is getting addicted to harmful drugs.
Tobacco and alcohol also can be called drugs. Nicotine, tar and
carbon monoxide are some of the harmful substances in tobacco and mixed
drinks, wine, arrack and beer can be classed as alcoholic drinks.
Teens get addicted to drugs as they want to fit in with their peers,
they try to appear older and try to promote the harmful products.
Drugs are advertised attractively. To escape from problems teenagers
also use drugs, but they do not understand that drugs can only create
problems but not solve them. Some young people see their family members
and others use these drugs so they try to follow them. Neglect,
unnecessary freedom, too much pocket money and lack of parent’s
attention and supervision lead teenagers to use drugs. Some reports
reveal that the use of inhalants, marijuana, tranqulisers, cocaine,
hallucinogens, crack cocaine and heroin are on the increase among
Addiction to drugs means a person’s dependence on drugs.
They believe that they cannot feel fit without drugs and they feel
so, as drugs had changed the function of their body. Getting addicted to
drugs is a process of five stages, first it may be an occasional use,
then the regular use, and the intensified use and finally the total
dependence. Stimulants anti-depressants and narcotics are the addictive
substances of drugs.
Addiction to drugs is really dangerous as it can cause high blood
pressure, increasing of breathing rate, eye sight problems, headaches,
dizziness, anxiety, sleeplessness, suspicion, loss of appetite and
Heroin can cause unconsciousness or even death. It also brings health
problems such as balancing problems, violent behaviour and troubled
thinking. Drug users may lose their memory and are unable to react in
emergencies. Liver cancers and heart attacks are also side effects of
drug abuse, specially smoking.
Almost all the drug users look older than their age and they do not
have an attractive appearance. Why should teens risk such dangers by
using drugs?
Nowadays, of course, there are lots of rules, regulations and steps
taken to minimise the use of drugs, such as not advertising of drugs.
Driving under the influence of liquor is forbidden as most of the
accidents occur by drunken drivers. Selling tobacco or cigarettes to
people under 18 is also forbidden, and the use of drugs is not shown on
These are quite good steps, but we, as teens can do many more things
much more successfully. Teens should be educated on the dangers of drugs
and we can help our friends who use them. We can discuss their problems
and if we cannot help them we can get help from a counsellor.
Teenagers can involve themselves in sports or in any other extra
curricular activities. Then they won’t be able to join groups of idlers.
We can help our drug using friends by advising them on the dangers of
using drugs.
Drug users harm not only themselves, but the whole society. We can
organise dramas, art competitions and different competitions on the
theme “Refusing Drugs”. Really those methods are quite effective.
The drug users can change themselves and it is really a very
successful way of breaking the addiction. Just directly refuse drugs.
Teenagers are the citizens of tomorrow. The future of a country
depends on them. So they should not ruin the best time of their lives.
If they do so the whole world will be in danger. So, teenagers should
have the strength of character to say “NO” to drugs. We need the change.
They should get involved in developing the country. Never let drugs
disturb you. Get together, refuse drugs as the world badly needs you.
Prabha Silva, Grade 10, Holy Family Convent, Kalutara.