The bigger beggar menace
By Mohammed NAALIR
Beggars have posed a serious threat to Sri Lanka's tourist industry.
Eventhough the Government has put up rehabilitation centres and asylums
for child beggars there is no decrease in their numbers.Poverty,
prostitution and similar social vices tend to encourage begging.
In addition natural catastrophes and physical disabilities pave the
path for begging.
Cambodia is also one of the poorest countries faced with the beggar
problem. Children are brought into cities from rural areas to work as
sex slaves or sex workers or taken to other countries such as Thailand
to work as beggars, domestic workers or labourers at construction sites.
Indonesia has prepared a legal framework to end the begging. The
Jakarta Urban Council has banned giving money to beggars, buskers, car
cleaners and street kids or purchase of goods or food from road side
stalls. The City Council of Jakarta agreed to replace a 1988 regulation
and hoped to make Jakarta as a more orderly City. Punishment for
scheduled offenses are imprisonment from 10 to 60 years and fines
ranging from 100,000 rupiah ($11) to 20 million rupiah ($2100) are
imposed, sources said.Beggars are a community without any aspirations or
goals in the life but depend on charity alone.
Their life pattern is so different when compared to others that they
live on benches, streets, in parks, under trees and other public places
to spend the day specially the nights. They are a real example for hand
to mouth existence!
Most of the beggars have chosen urban areas for their existence.
Their expressions differ. Observers say there are two types of begging,
namely passive and aggressive.Passive begging involves soliciting that
is non threatening but simply holding out one's hand or cup or plate for
Aggressive begging involves "Coercive soliciting" that features some
degree of intimidatory action such as following a potential donor down
the street and impelling actual threats.
Beggars' locations seem to be office building entrances, alms givings,
ATMs, parking places, public convenience including railway stations and
bus halts, major road intersections, particularly locations where there
are tourists, sports venues, filling stations, fast food venues
restaurants, to name a few. Beggars are mostly homeless and some of them
with physical disabilities are prevented from gaining or holding
permanent employment.
For some begging is more lucrative than other sources of income
earning.Sometimes beggars turn to be a chronic nuisance to the public.
Their life patterns differ from time to time and they use various
systematic and new methods of begging. Begging at colour lights in
metropolitan areas is a new practice.
Youths have also started bagging as it has become a lucrative income
earning business. Youths very often sells stickers and hand bills in the
metropolitan areas.
There are some well established groups operating in main cities such
as Kandy, Colombo and Galle. Some beggars take children with them to
incur the sympathy of the public.Years ago Prof. Nandasena Ratnapala
conducted a survey on life patterns of the beggar community in Sri
Beggars also gather at religious places and other areas where the
public throng in large numbers.The general practice of issuing birth or
death certificates appears non-functional as far as beggars are