Coal power to boost electricity
The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) yesterday assured that electricity
consumers will not be affected by any black-outs in future, with the
commissioning of new coal power plants, Sri Lanka's first Coal Power
Project at Norochcholai is expected to going operation in March next
The first phase of this Chinese Government funded Norochcholai Coal
Power Project which is constructed at a cost of 455 million US dollars
will add 300 MW to the national grid.
During a recent site inspection tour at Norochcholai, CEB Chairman,
E.A.S.K. Edirisinghe said that after completing the first phase, the
second and third phases of the Coal Power project are scheduled to be
completed by the year 2013 and thereafter an additional 600 MWs will be
added to the national grid.
It was reported that consignments of coal to generate power will be
imported from three countries under the supervision of Lanka Coal
Company (LCC). The LCC will be assisted by the CEB, the Shipping
Corporation and the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
According to a senior Chinese Site Engineer, nearly 900 Chinese
nationals including engineers, helpers, welders and fitters are employed
on the project, with a few Sri Lankan engineers providing consultancy
services for the project.
Project Manager (Transmission Line), R.K. Piyadasa said a new power
line with 288 towers will be installed at a cost of US dollars 70
million from Norochcholai power house to Veyangoda Grid sub station to
distribute power to other parts of the country.
Project Director (Electrical) P.C.C. Perera said a 13 km road will
also be constructed from the work site to Palavi for the use of
residents in the area.