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Wedding Sam's party
A birthday party of a niece of Wedding Sam at the latter's residence
paved way for a special meeting amongst Ra-Blue, Tee-Run Potato, Retired
Big Lady, My-Lick and the happy and gay guy. They have unanimously
decided not to have the common symbol of the alliance that they intend
to form.
Lady's advice
But Ra-Blue had been in two minds about the symbol. "You have to be a
dictator at times when you are the leader. I had similar problems when I
threw away my party symbol hand and selected chair. There were many
objections but I simply ignored them. You have to do the same," the
Retired Big Lady advised Ra-Blue.
Ra-Blue's accusation
At the same meeting Ra-Blue accused the Retired Big Lady of
conspiring and ousting his 2002-2004 regime by taking over three
ministries. It was then that the Retired Big Lady's eyes lit up like a
fire as she walked out of the meeting room. But My-Lick and Tea-Rum
Potato ran behind to cool down the lady who had a few hot drinks on her
Disgraceful return?
The Retired Big Lady has still not given up her greediness for power.
She now plans to make a disgraceful return to the House of Diyawanna as
an Em Pee from the list that is national - the first ex-Prez to do so!
She also plans to make it a family affair by fielding her son V-Muk-Tea
as a candidate from the alliance headed by the Elephant Party.
Porno Sam
Fearing that he will have to face a disgraceful situation similar to
his shameless credit card xxx browsing, Wedding Sam has deleted all
pornographic material that was there in his computers. He has advised
his close buddies to choose universal mail savers when sending spicy
e-mails. This follows after strict regulations were introduced by the
governing types.
Royal friend
Veteran party seniors have accused Ra-Blue of double standards after
My-Lick's meeting with the highest of the land was made public. Some say
My-Lick was on a special mission entrusted by his leader while the
others are of the view that My-Lick is planning for a 'U' turn,
isolating his right Royal friend. |