‘KP’s arrest single biggest blow to Tiger network’
by Manjula FERNANDO
The arrest of Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP, one of the most ruthless
terrorists and the self appointed leader of LTTE (after Prabhakaran’s
death), is the single biggest blow to the international network of the
Tigers, international terrorism expert Prof. Rohan Gunaratna told the
`Sunday Observer’. “He has the worst human rights violations record in
the entire sub-continent,” Prof. Gunaratna said.
KP was captured in a very successful covert operation by Sri Lanka
defence officials, on Thursday. He is now being interrogated by
intelligence sleuths at an undisclosed location here. At the time of his
arrest he was the leader of the LTTE as well as its Chief Procurement
Officer. KP is also wanted by Interpol on gun running charges. Following
the death of Prabhakaran, KP vowed to revive LTTE through its
international network and a few weeks ago announced a ‘transitional
government in exile’.
In the aftermath of his arrest Sunday Observer interviewed Prof.
Gunaratna, Professor of Security Studies and Head of International
Centre for Political Violence, Singapore. He is an expert on LTTE’s
international affairs.
Q: How do you think this arrest will impact on the Government’s fight
against LTTE terror?
A: There were three leaders that enabled the LTTE to become the most
ruthless and violent outfits in the world. One was Velupillai
Prabhakaran, second was Pottu Amman and the third was KP.
Q: Will this be the end of LTTE?
A: KP’s arrest is the single biggest blow to the international
network of the Tigers. It was KP who enabled Prabhakaran to do what he
wanted in Sri Lanka. KP was the fundraising, procurement and shipping
head of LTTE.
Q: Will there be a new leader?
A: There will be many successors but neither of them will have the
understanding and the knowledge and the experience of KP. He was in a
class by himself. As the chief procurement officer of armaments and
equipment that included 50 tonnes of TNT and 10 tonnes of RDX (plastic
explosives) he was instrumental in killing tens of thousands of innocent
civilians, men , women and children. He has the worst human rights
violations record in the entire sub-continent.
Q: Who masterminded the operation to capture KP?
A: The operation to capture KP was masterminded by Defence Secretary
Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. It began even before the death of Prabhakaran and
the appointment of KP as his successor.
The capture of KP clearly demonstrates that the key to fighting
terrorism is innovative leadership and not classical bureaucracy. The
second most important ingredient in the fight against terrorism, as
shown in the arrest of KP, is the ability to collect real time
intelligence of terrorists and their movements (travel patterns).
In a brilliant operation masterminded by the Defence Secretary, he
managed to accomplish both these aspects. It demonstrated that Gotabhaya
Rajapaksa is not only the master strategist in defeating the LTTE in Sri
Lanka but also was the single most important individual in planning the
capture of KP.
Q: Where was he captured?
A: KP lived both in Thailand and Malaysia. He enjoyed access to very
high profile political and military figures in both the countries. The
cooperation both of Malaysia and Thailand was instrumental in getting
his location and final arrest.
Q: What was he at the time of the arrest?
A: He was the Chairman of the LTTE and the Chief procurement officer.
LTTE sympathizers try to describe KP as one who represents the humane
side of LTTE who could have transformed the outfit into a political
KP is one of the most ruthless terrorists in the world. How can a man
who was instrumental in killing thousands of innocent civilians be
called humane? If someone calls him humane that person must be insane.