International Youth Day:
Sustainability - a challenge for the youth
by Pramod DE SILVA
The youth are a very important segment of society. They are often
referred to as tomorrow's leaders. They constitute the majority of the
world's population.
The world will focus on the youth and their problems on International
Youth day, which falls on August 12. Indeed, the youth do face many
problems such as unemployment, lack of educational opportunities and
social injustices.
These factors have given rise to youth rebellions in many countries,
including Sri Lanka. Governments have a prime responsibility to address
these factors. In Sri Lanka, the 30-year-conflict has claimed the lives
of thousands of youth. War and conflict are thus two other factors that
affect the youth the world over.
The International Youth Day was an initiative of the United Nations.
The General Assembly on 17 December 1999 in its resolution 54/120,
endorsed the recommendation made by the *World Conference of Ministers
Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) that August 12 be
declared International Youth Day. The First International Youth Day was
celebrated in 2000.
Every year, the Day is celebrated under a different theme. This
year's theme is Sustainability: Our Challenge-Our Future. This is an
appropriate theme for the Youth, because they will inherit the Earth's
resources. But as the UN points out, it not only refers to maintaining
environmental balance and renewal. "Sustainability encapsulates three
facets of life: the environment, society and the economy". The interplay
among these factors was felt recently when the world faced a food, oil
and economic crisis, all at the same time. The youth in many countries
were severely affected, particularly as jobs were lost.
All these factors should have a sustainability component. Youth do
have a major role to play in this regard. We are consuming economic and
social resources at a rate faster than we can replenish them. If this
trend is not reversed, today's youth and children will face a serious
problem in the future. Thus it is a major challenge - a challenge that
will affect the future.
The UN has this to say about youth and sustainability: "As the
energizers of today and the holders of tomorrow, it is imperative that
youth "embrace the challenge of sustainability" "in its fullness" as
they help pave the way forward through the 21st century and beyond.
Youth action, inclusion, and their full participation are key to
developing today's world for the generations of today and tomorrow and
central to a sustainable existence."
But Governments around the world should also fulfil other obligations
towards the youth, while involving them in ensuring sustainability. For
example, there should be other educational and career paths for youth
who fail to enter the conventional universities. Employment creation is
equally important.
In Sri Lanka, unemployment is fortunately less than 6 per cent, but
it should come down further. Encouraging more youth to venture into
self-employment and small scale enterprises could be a solution.
Youth empowerment is another important issue. It can be on political
and social levels - their voices should be heard by the rest of society.
Their views and inputs should be taken into account vis-à-vis
development and welfare projects.
It is praiseworthy that some of or elections require a youth
participation (i.e.candidates) of at least 35 per cent. This is a step
in the right direction.
It is also essential to provide young women with more economic,
educational, social and political opportunities. Many societies
unfortunately neglect girls and women. This should not be the case.
Youth have varied aspirations for a better tomorrow. They have goals
for themselves and the world they live in. As the world celebrates
another Youth Day, all should realize the importance of allowing the
youth a bigger say regarding the future of our Earth.