Hiroshima atom bomb:
Let it be the last one on earth
The 64th anniversary of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, the eighth
largest seaport city of Japan took place on August 6 with a memorial
service to the 236,062 people who have hitherto perished, at the Peace
Cenotaph Pagoda in the presence of the Mayor of the city and a large
number of relatives of the dead. It was the first time in the history of
the earth that an uranium atom bomb weighing 4,500 kg; was dropped to
annihilate human beings.
Death came within seconds to kill 80,000 people suffering from the
agony of radiation estimated at 300,000 centigrade at the hypocenter. It
had a devastating effect on human beings, their bodies getting torn off,
internal organs blown to smithereens, flesh hanging on their bodies with
no eyes, noses or mouths but only holes. What a tragedy for the
annihilation of human beings on the earth, what unbearable suffering
they underwent for no fault of theirs. USA dropped the second bomb
weighing 4.5 Tons, a plutonium on the Nagasaki city instantly killing
another 70,000 human beings on August 9. Was this necessary was a
questionable topic at that time?
The world war II was started by the German Chancellor Herr Hitler in
1939. Italy under General Benito Mussolini joined forces with the Nazis
for capturing European States, but had a severe setback when they
attacked USSR under the command of Genralissmo Joseph Stalin. Russia
joined hands with USA and UK to form the Allied Forces. Japanese war
lords pushed Japan into the war against the Allied Forces, with the
blessings of the Emperor Hirohito who was considered as a demigod in
Japan. Japanese troops started capturing the Asian Countries like
Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea and China etc;
The famous Japanese General Tojo led the Japanese army that inflicted
heavy damage on the US forces on a surprise attack on the Pearl Harbour
destroying many warships and planes. Japanese forces bombed the
Trincomalee and Colombo harbours used by the Allied Forces but their
attacks were repelled by the Royal Airforce planes. Lord Mountbatten was
the Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces and had his operational
headquarters in Kandy.
Sri Lanka was spared of occupation by Japanese troops due to the
presence of strong American, British, Indian and Sri Lankan Forces here.
In the second world war era there were German Scientists doing
research on making an atomic mass destruction device. The great German
scientist Albert Einstein warned American President Roosevelt of the
dangers to the world if Herr Hitler laid his hands on this device.
Therefore in 1942, USA set up the Manhattan Project on nuclear research
assisted ably by the famous scientist and noble prize winner J. Robert
Oppenheimer. Over 100 laboratories were engaged in this research project
in the USA and they sought the advice of many world renowned scientists
and ultimately in 1945 USA made the first atom bomb and tested in an
isolated desert in Mexico.
The test proved that America became the first nation in the world to
discover a mass destruction weapon. The bomb had a devastating effect on
the land and atmosphere. Thereafter the American Airforce dropped the
first atomic bomb in Hiroshima. The then American President, Harry
Truman, issued a warning to Japan, that unless they surrendered to the
Allied Forces, whole of Japan would be destroyed by continued attacks by
atomic bombs. At that time fortunately for Japan there were two atomic
research scientists working at the Physical and Chemical Research
Institute, Dr. R. Takemi and Professor Yoshio Nishima, who knew about
the dangers of atomic radiation on human beings and they advised Emperor
Hirohito to surrender immediately. On August 12, Japan surrendered
thereby saving the country and its people of total annihilation. They
accepted the Potsdam Declaration. Thereafter American General McArthur
was appointed as the Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces in Japan.
The American forces were based in Japan and the country started the
postwar recovery program.
The Japanese people had to undergo a great deal to hardship. The
psychological trauma of defeat and the thousands of innocent people dead
by the deadly atomic attacks made the Japanese people more determined to
recover from the ashes and within a few years they were able to become a
formidable economic power in the world. Japan which was producing cheap
fast selling goods began to improve their quality and productivity
process and began making high quality superior products by innovating
the western systems. They captured the world markets with sophisticated
products and became an example to Asian countries.
At the post war post-mortem conference held in San Francisco,
America, the Allied Forces wanted Japan to pay compensation for the war
crimes and damages, which if accepted would have become a heavy burden
on the country at that time.. However J. R. Jayewardene, the then Sri
Lankan Finance Minister who represented the country pleaded in
mitigating terms quoting the preachings of the Lord Buddha and he very
forcefully convinced the world leaders and they decided not to get
compensation from Japan.
A few years later a Commonwealth of Nations Conference was held in
Colombo and they decided to accept a proposal to establish the Colombo
Plan for providing assistance to the wartime damaged economies of the
Asian and Pacific countries. Australia and Britain supported the move
and in 1954 the Colombo Plan was established with the Secretariat in
Although Japan was not a British Commonwealth country, it decided to
join this in order to provide technical training to scholars from the
region and to provide project assistance for the development of these
countries. Colombo Plan was similar to the Marshal Plan set up by
America to assist the European economies to recover from the devastation
of world war II.
Japan had to win the trust and confidence of the Asian countries who
had to face many atrocities and hardships under Japanese occupation.
Japan also had to develop their economy and find markets for their
products in the Asian region. With this end in view in 1974, the
Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka toured the Asian countries like Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapore etc.
He received a very hostile reception and on his return to Japan. He
recommended to the government to provide more assistance and aid to the
region and he formed the Japan International Co-operation Agency for
channelling assistance and providing training facilities in Japan.
The Overseas Technical Co-operation Assistance program (OTCA) was
replaced with a more dynamic and result oriented JICA. Since the
inception of the Colombo Plan, Japan has provided official training
scholarships to nearly 5000 from Sri Lanka alone.
It has also become the leading donor of development assistance and
grant aid for the development of the economy of Sri Lanka. I am one of
the recipients of JICA training facilities in Japan in 1974. During my
stay in Japan I had the opportunity to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Tomb. Daily there are many visitors and some of them are the relatives
of the dead coming and praying. Aged people over 70 years are still
dying due to radiation effects.
It was a very pathetic site. Many Pacific people at that time were
considering whether it was really necessary for America to drop an
atomic device, as they were winning the war with the capture of Berlin
by the Russian and Allied troops. With in a matter of weeks the war
would have ended.
It is very sad to witness the nuclear arms race still going unabated
in the world today. The United Nations should completely ban the use of
nuclear arms on human beings. India, Pakistan, North Korea, France,
Britain, USA and Iran are in possession of nuclear arms. Many other
nations are attempting to acquire nuclear knowledge. A future war will
lead to mass annihilation of human beings.
In a memorial service held at Nagasaki, Japan the 60th anniversary of
the bomb, the Mayor, Iccho Ito appealed to Americans to agitate for the
elimination of nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Koizumo pledged to
maintain world peace and a nuclear free world.
The devastating tsunami disaster which affected five countries in
December 2004, killed only about 160,000 people. One atom bomb killed
240,000 in one city.
The peace loving people of the world should resolve not to permit
nuclear mass destruction devices on human beings. May Hiroshima and
Nagasaki be the last.