Padikemgala Raja Maha Vihara:
A relic of ancient glory
by Gamini G. Punchihewa
A guard-stone |
Remnants of a Buddha
statue |
Siddhartha Gautama languished for six long years of untold privation
in spending his life as an ascetic in the recess of the caves in the
jungle after renouncing the princely life of his Royal Kingdom of
worldly pleasures to seek the truth and attain Supreme Enlightenment.
The cave shelter where he was living the life of a recluse is still
known as Dineshwon in India. From there Gautama laboured seven miles
walking to reach his final destination in the district of Buddha Gaya.
Offering of Kiripidu Dana by Sujatha ....
When the brilliant moon was bathed in full radiance, Siddhartha
Gautama in seeking Enlightenment sat under the spreading bowers of a
giant Nuga Tree lying close to the bank of river Neranjana in a village
still known as Senani which is connected with the life and times of
Siddhartha Gautama culminating in his renunciation that paved the way
for his supreme attainment of Buddhahood.
In this serene but pastoral village of Senani, there lived a daughter
of a chieftain's housemaid. As she was sweeping the ground around this
Nuga tree to which rituals and other offerings were made, she beheld
Siddharta Gautama seated at the foot of it engaged in absolute
meditation in all solemnity and grace.
She cried in joy and brought the happy tidings to the notice of her
household. The chieftain's household was all agog with villagers when
she was confronted with a pleasant surprise of the visitation of Gautama.
They were filled with joy of sanctity. With all sacredness and obeisance
they prepared poojas and alms to be offered to Gautama. They were in
high glee of this meritorious act. Sujatha took the bowl of Kiripindu
Dana (milk rice) knelt before Gautama and offered it in all grace and
sanctity to Him and He accepted it with all gratitude.
Viharadhipathi Lunama Gnanaloka thera
explaining the historical value of the bodhigara |
Thereafter, Gautama Buddha ambled towards the river Neranjana where
He bathed. After crossing the river, Gautama partook the Kiripidu Dana
offered to him by Sujatha. On its impact Gautama felt he was more
fortified with much strength to his body and mind. Whereupon He blessed
Sujatha with His hand on her newborn child. He invoked longevity and
blessings on him when Sujatha romped home rejoicing over this
meritorious act.
Then came the glorious event on that very day. That evening,
Siddharta Gautama strolled in all solemnity and determination towards
the Bo-Tree and sat under its copious shade and attained his life-long
quest for Supreme Enlightment.
Its very episode in stone ...
The above-related event of Sujatha offering Kiripidu Dana to
Siddhartha Gautama is lively etched in a stone frieze at a Raja Maha
Vihara named Padikemgala Raja Maha Viharay (Hambantota district). It too
nestles in the Walawe basin, from where it is still closer to reach this
historical Temple along the Embilipitya-Sooriyawewa Road. At its turn
off (to the left), lies the road leading to Meegahajandura School via
Magal Ara land settlement scheme. From Embilipitiya it is about 25 miles
on a gravel road which is quite motorable. The next route is through
Hambantota via Koggalla from there to Meegahajandura School off Magal
Ara farmers' settlements, where the distance is about 30 miles from
Treasure trove of ancient Relics ...
This Padikemgala Raja Maha Vihara lies in the forest glades. The
temple is surrounded by a barricade of a retaining wall composed of
ancient bricks fortified with well dressed stone slabs placed one over
the other with well marked groves carved out. This stome structure is
semi-circular. In the middle of this stone frieze lies Sujatha offering
Kiripidu Dana to Siddhartha Gautama followed by more stone friezes of
elephants with their trunks curled up. These relics and other remains
are enclosed with a retaining wall built of finely quarried stone slabs
placed evenly one over the other lying in a crumbling state.
Ancien t ruins |
Unique finds of a gangoyle, (Weeping Stone) a sort of water spout
that conveyed its flowing waters through the mouths of lion heads must
have been meant for the flow of drainage water. These stone gutters had
ben kept at the four corners of this site, but only two are remaining
still in a dilapidated state, lying here and there. The robes of this
Buddha statue are in a ruinous state, and the frills etched on the robes
are still distinct. The other rare but priceless archaeological artifact
was a structure called "Yanthara Gal" (Treasure Chambers). In ancient
monarchical times, valuable treasures were buried for safe-keeping. Such
treasures were deposited in the Yanthara Gal which is square in shape
having square deep seated grooves in which these valuables are
preserved, then with the other such Stone slab also having such square
shaped grooves were sandwiched together and buried, particularly in
ancient Viharas or monastry sites. The Padikemgala archaeological site,
had been the abode of Arahants (highest Sages).
Period of Times
Since I have been living for a long time in Embilipitiya nestling in
the Walawe basin, I have had visited the Padikemgala Rajamaha Viharaya.
My first visit was in the early 1970's when I was transferred to the
Walawe Project from the Gal Oya Project in 1970. The Incumbent of this
Rajamaha Viharaya was Ven. Lunama Gnananda Thera and he is still there.
During his incumbency he had taken manifold steps to restore this
temple. Though now in dotage he still devotes his time to develop this
ancient site.
When I visited the Rajamaha Viharaya in the 1970's those stone
gutters with lion heads were in a ruinous state while the Asana Gharas -
the Bdhi Gharas which prouder shelter to Bo-Tree is in a permanent
state. The place is kept in a clean and environmentally friendly state.
In recent years, the Archaeological Department had carried out extensive
excavations around the ancient site of Padikemgala. Among the classic
artifacts unearthed are the remains of Bodhi Ghara (the house of the
Bo-Tree). It is a square enclosure comprising well dressed stone slabs.
It has been restored to its ancient glory, while others such as
Bodhigaras were also restored by the Archaeological Department. Two
others, one at Nillakgama lying in Hathalispaha Korale East in the
Wannihathpathu (Kurunegala district) and the other at Panduwasnuwara
Archaeological site (off Kuliyapitiya) and could be seen. The one I had
visited in the late 1985, (story of the Mutlind/hooded cobra, janitors
stone referred to earlier) is wrapped in a hoary episode as narrated by
this Incumbent when I first visited it in the 1970's.
A close-up of the Bodhigara which
shows Sujatha offering ‘Kiripidu’ dana to Siddhartha Gautama
It runs thus:- Some years ago in the early 1950's the Hambantota
Police of the time led by an A.S.P. and his policemen raided, a gangja
plantation in the area. Retired Police officers may recall this
interesting but amusing one. It is called that the then A.S.P. (Hambantota
Police Station), had accidentally come across this Multi-hooded cobra
stone lying in the jungle tide of Padikemgala. He had a fascination for
it to be kept at his bungalow. So he removed it to his bungalow for
safe-keeping as then the Padikemgala temple was deserted. That night it
was a nightmare to his wife when in the dead of night she dreamt of a
saintly man dressed in immaculate white, wearing a white turban over his
head, had warned her to remove the cobra stone forthwith back to the
very site it was found.
Before it was removed to the Padikemgala site, he consulted the Govt.
Agent Hambantota and the officials concerned.
They had strongly advised him to return it to the Padikemgala site.
It is that lost and found Multihooded cobra Guard stone that is still
lying there at the Padikemgala Temple - quie, safe and sound. |