Indonesia police foil car bomb plot
Two would-be suicide bombers who were weeks away from launching a
car-bomb attack were killed during a police raid near Jakarta early
Saturday, the Indonesian police chief said.
National police chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri said the two men were
shot dead as they were about to detonate hand-made bombs during the
raid, which uncovered a cache of explosive material and a car rigged as
a bomb.He said the house in Bekasi, outside Jakarta, was being used as a
base by a “cell of NMT,” referring to alleged terror mastermind Noordin
Mohammed Top, who is wanted for multiple suicide bombings in
Indonesia.“We had to shoot them because at the time of the raid they had
hand-held bombs that were about to be thrown at the police,” he said,
identifying the suspects as Air Setiawan and Eko Gepeng.
“They were would-be bridegrooms (suicide bombers) with special
targets for attacks to be carried out two weeks from now.... This place
was a cell of NMT.”Danuri said the raid was linked to an ongoing
counter-terror operation in Central Java, where police had besieged a
suspected Noordin hideout since Friday afternoon and had exchanged heavy
gunfire with the occupants.Asked whether Noordin was inside the house in
Beji village, the police chief said only “God willing.”The would-be
bombers had been “accomplices” in the Australian embassy attack of 2004,
when a massive suicide car bomb was detonated outside the embassy in
central Jakarta, killing 10 people and wounding scores more, he said. -AFP