'Trim and Fit' to be in business
Hilmy Cader |
CEO of MTI Consulting Hilmy Cader delivering a keynote address at the
Way Forward Forum organised by The Management Club and the Chartered
Management Institute shared their learnings on how businesses can gear
themselves to benefit from the expected economic upturn in Sri Lanka.
"Based on extensive research on how businesses can positively respond
to the crisis, MTI has formulated a 'Trim and Fit' a performance-driven
consulting solution to help companies prevail (not just survive) during
the tough times and seize upside opportunities," he said, to begin
organizations need to align the strategy to meet specific tough times
conditions (specifically in terms of rationalising and de-slacking the
business model), followed by taking the 'fat' off the processes, before
developing a lean structure all of which is finally driven by ensuring
staff are motivated (through win-win initiatives like Performance-based
Explaining two key features of the model, Cader - said, 'Trim and
Fit' looks first at cost rationalizing based on vertical Costs (based on
a value chain P&L) as opposed to conventional horizontal cost cutting,
which runs the risks of cutting off the 'veins and arteries' of the
business model! Most importantly, 'the head count is considered as a
last resort (only after the slack in the Strategy, Processes and Jobs
are taken out) and even if head count needs to be cut, retrenchment is
the last option.'
One of the highlights of this approach is that businesses need to be
trim and fit not just in tough times but also during the boom so as to
prevent unchecked expansion.