Union Motor Reload from Union Assurance

CEO, Union Assurance
Marina Tharmaratnam
Motor insurance is a heavy burden on most vehicle owners, as
insurance has to be purchased for the full year, and the annual premium
has to be paid as a lump sum. With their latest product, Union Assurance
has taken this burden away. Union Motor Reload allows vehicle owners the
option of purchasing their motor insurance for 1 month, 3 months or 6
months from any Keells Super outlet.
Union Assurance and Keells Super have combined to make purchasing
motor insurance as simple as shopping for your grocery items. Union
Motor Reload is a monthly insurance cover to suit the income pattern of
salaried and self employed individuals" said CEO, Union Assurance,
Marina Tharmaratnam. We came up with the name Reload, because after
purchasing the initial policy, customers can reload (renew) their policy
for a given period as easily as obtaining a reload for a mobile phone,
said Deputy CEO. Dirk Pereira.
In addition to the flexible coverage period which is easy on the
wallet, the product retains the features of a standard insurance policy
currently sold in the market. For example, in the event of an accident,
the claim will be paid similar to a standard motor policy.
Another feature is that the premium will be fixed on an annual basis.
Hence if a customer obtains a 1 month, 3 month or 6 month insurance
cover, the premium will not change during the balance period up to 12
months. In addition, customers will also be entitled to earn UA's
accelerated no claim bonuses after 12 months are completed.
If you are a first time Union Motor Reload customer, all you have to
do is drive into any Keells Super outlet and submit your national
identity card, vehicle identification certificate or vehicle
registration book, together with the renewal notice of the previous
insurance if applicable, and obtain a Union Motor Reload policy for a
period of your choice, said , Senior Manager Union Assurance Kennedy
Michael. Thereafter, to renew the policy, simply provide your vehicle
number to the any Keells Super staff member, and they will take care of
the rest.
We are very pleased to be working with Union Assurance on such an
innovative product. We are very confident that this will be a win-win
situation for both Union and Keells Super customers, said CEO Keells
Super Charitha Subasinghe.