Illustrious disciple of the Buddha
By M. Herbert FERNANDO

Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka Thera
Madihe in Matara produced an illustrious, great disciple of Lord
Buddha. He made an outstanding contribution to the Buddha Sasana and for
the material, intellectual and spiritual regeneration of Sri Lanka. This
disciple was none other than the Venerable Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka
Thera who passed away on September 8, 2003.
The monk was born to parents James Carolis Pujitha Gunawardena and
Bella Angolina Dheerasekera in Madihe, a hamlet of Matara.
He was the youngest in a family of two boys and three girls and was
named Benson Wilmot by his parents. His father was the Head Teacher of
the Methodist Mission School in Matara and had to embrace Christianity
conforming to requirements of the School. The mother, however, was a
devout Buddhist. The parents had no religious conflict or
misunderstanding and lived happily in their family home. Buddhist monks
and Christian priests frequently visited their home.
The father of young Benson Wilmot spent much time in his profession
as Principal whilst his mother was grossly engaged in bringing up all
her children in the Buddhist way of life.
Young Benson Wilmot was educated in English at St. Thomas’ Girls
School in Matara until he was 10 years of age. Thereafter, he entered
the St. Thomas’ Boys High School in Matara. He was a brilliant student
in School and was also a good cricketer.
A turning point in Benson’s life was noticed when at the tender age
of 13, he showed an immense anxiety to lead a Buddhist way of life. One
day he suggested to his parents that he would like to enter the Buddhist
Order of monks. The mother who had very closely followed his movements
approved his suggestion and in so doing she visited the Ven. Weragampita
Revata Maha Thera of the Devagiri Vihara in Kamburugamuwa and informed
him of her intention.
Benson was duly ordained on June 24, 1926 and was named Madihe
Pannasiha. Thereafter, the young monk was very fortunate to come into
contact with the Ven. Palane Sri Vajiranana Maha Nayaka Thera who
brought him to the Vajirarama in Bambalapitiya. At the Vajirarama, the
young monk was more fortunate to listen to the Ven. Narada Maha Thera
who was competent in English as well, in his dhamma discourses and
discussions, which he had with local and foreign scholar monks who very
frequently visited the temple.
On June 19, 1933, young monk Madihe Pannasiha received his Higher
Ordination, Upasampada, at the Polwatuganga Seema Malakaya at the
Gangarama under the tutelage of the Ven. Palane Sri Vajiranana Maha
Nayaka Thera.
Then on November 27, 1955, with the demise of the Ven. Palane Sri
Vajiranana Maha Nayaka Thera, Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Maha Thera was
appointed as Maha Nayaka of the Mihiripenne Sri Dharamarakshita Sect of
the Amarapura Nikaya, by all the Nikaya monks at the Vajirarama,
The first United Vinaya Karma of the United Amarapura Nikaya after
its amalgamation, was held at the Sri Vajiranana Dharmayatanaya Seema
Malakaya at Maharagama on July 13, 1969 and it was at this site that Ven.
Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka Thera was appointed the Head of the United
Amarapura Nikaya.
Amidst the many accolades the Maha Nayaka earned from foreign
countries, he was awarded the title of Panditha in 1987, Sahithiya
Chakrawarthi in 1991, Agga Maha Panditha by the Burma Sangha Sabha and
the Burmese Government in 1996, and the Doctorate from the Thailand
Government in 1999. The Maha Nayaka Thera was a very active member of
the Buddha Sasana Commission appointed by the then Government and also
worked hard in the Assisted Schools take over by the Government.
The Maha Nayaka Thera succeeded in getting the four Poya days
declared as holidays in 1960 and 1961 respectively.
He was instrumental in composing and publishing a booklet titled
‘SEELA BHAVANA’ which ran into millions of copies and distributed
freely. The book contained a full day’s religious activity program that
could be followed by lay persons who observed Sil on Poya days.
Commencing at Vajirarama and Maharagama Vajiranana Dharmayatanaya, he
designed two sil campaigns one for the old and the other for the young
lay persons in the same temple. Ven. Ampitiye Rahula Maha Thera always
assisted the Maha Nayaka Thera in these projects. After the demise of
Ven. Narada Maha Thera Vajiraramadipathi, Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Maha
Nayaka Thera became Head of the Vajirarama temple at Bambalapitiya. He
was the founder patron of the Sri Vajiranana Dharmayatanaya at
Maharagama, founder Patron of the Sasana Sevaka Samithiya, the Buddhist
Information in Colombo, and the Dharma Vijaya Foundation respectively.
As Head of the Vajirarama, the Maha Nayaka Thera had very cordial
relations with the board of trustees chaired by Dr. P. R. Anthonis, the
late V. T. and D. H. Panditha Gunawardena former Supreme Court Judge and
District Judge, the late B. Winman Soysa and the late G. J. Silva.
The Maha Nayaka Thera in concurrence with the late Ven. Narada Maha
Thera established the publication of a Buddhist Monthly Magazine in
Sinhala titled the BAUDDHA LAMAYA which was managed by the late Willie
Fernando, and P. P. Karunaratna. Another English Buddhist Magazine
titled the BOSATH was also a Vajirarama publication. The Maha Nayaka
Thera contributed immense articles of Buddhist interest, towards these
two publications.
The Maha Nayaka Thera together with the late Narada Maha Thera
approved setting up of two sections at the Vajirarama Sunday Dhamma
School, one in English and the other in Sinhala. At a later date the Ven.
Maha Nayaka Thera appointed the Ven. Gangodawila Soma Maha Thera as
Principal of the Vajirarama Sunday Dhamma School. He pioneered the
establishment of branches and had Viharas not only in the Western
countries but in cities like Washington, New York, Canada and Australia.
Being mindful of the immense contribution made by the late Ven.
Narada Maha Thera Vajiraramadipathi in dedicating his life to missionary
work both locally and internationally, Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka
Thera worked incessantly hard to establish the Narada Maha Thera
International Buddhist Centre presently called the Narada Centre, which
is situated at the Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7. Ven. Prof.
Dhammavihari Maha Thera is currently Head of this Centre.
I wish that the Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Maha Nayaka Thera attain the
Bliss of Nibbana.