Unity is strength
As we hear the word unity what comes into our mind is a world without
war or a peaceful world filled with harmony and happiness. But unity
also means being with each other in times of sorrow and joy, no matter
what caste, creed, religion or ethnic group we belong to.

"Unity is strength" is a common saying that all of us have heard of.
But if we come to think of it, this is really true. Unity is strength,
if we are together as one, facing the many obstacles and challenges that
we have to go through in our lives will not be a difficult task. But if
we are not united, it will be very difficult for us to face the world.
We do not know at what moment we might fall. But if we are united there
will always be someone to give us a hand to stand up.If everyone is
united and work together as one, it would be much harder for enemies or
intruders to attack. By being united and respecting others and their
ideas we can gain a lot, and also be happy. We can always get the best
solution for a problem if we respect everybody's ideas and give everyone
a chance to present their own ideas.
Unity is one of the main and essential things lacking in our society.
If we are united we should treat everybody the way we would like others
to treat us. We should always try to correct ourselves and also others
and go in the correct path. We should try to be humble and kind, and try
to inculcate good qualities in ourselves and also spread it to everyone
in society.Nowadays everyone has busy schedules. Everybody, from school
going children to adults, lead very busy lives; most of the people have
no time to spend on others who really need them.
But my view is that if we are really interested and keen to help, it
won't be very difficult for us to find the time to do so. As children
who will be facing the world tomorrow it is our duty and responsibility
to see that we are united. Everyone is interested in achieving their own
goals and getting a higher position in society that nobody notices other
people and children who are in need. We are the leaders of tomorrow's
world so we should always keep in mind this simple saying, "Unity is
Dilinie Seimon,
Grade 10 D,
St. Lawrence's Convent,Colombo 6.
Mobile phones and the young generation
Today, mobile phones have changed our lives in a big way. In the past
this was a very rare instrument. But nowadays mobile phones can be seen
in the hands of even four-year-olds.Most people discuss the value or the
advantages one can gain from these instruments whenever they get
together. But every good thing also has a bad side to it; there are two
sides to a coin always.
It is true that mobile phones have made our lives much easier as we
can communicate with anyone in the world easily. But unfortunately, the
lack of knowledge among the younger generation about the positive uses
of this facility for their development, has affected the lives of some
very badly. Today most of the youth use this instrument in a wrong
manner which only brings negative results.
With the modernising world, many people have lost their humane
qualities and have degenerated both emotionally and spiritually. And the
younger generation has become victims of the bad influences of the
modern world. Immoral video clips and songs have come into their lives
through these mobile phones.Do you know that these phones can even be
the death of many a young person? Recently a schoolgirl committed
suicide due to a mobile phone. So, who should take the responsibility
for her innocent life? She paid with her life all because of this small
electronic device. There is no need to say how tragic these kind of
incidents are. She lost her life and we can't do anything about it now.
But we have to try to stop this kind of incidents in the future.We
can't stop the development of technology in the world, but we have to
teach the younger generation to reap the maximum benefits from them
without harming their lives. I do not say phones should be prohibited
among teenagers. But they should be made to understand the objective of
such an instrument. If all can understand the purpose of modern
technology our world would be a better place to live in.
G. Tharindu Randika Pathirana,
Grade 11,
St. Thomas' Boys' College, Matara.
Let's protect the

The environment is a gift given by Mother Nature. It comprises our
surroundings including the land, the trees, waterways, the air, the sky
and every other thing around us.It is from the environment that we get
everything we need to live on the Earth. But, some people do not know
the value of the environment. So, they pollute the water, air and land
in many different ways.The trees that stop soil erosion are cut down in
a careless manner.
We must keep the environment clean and pleasant. Environmental
pollution is one of the serious problems that we face today.People
pollute the environment in various ways, especially by throwing garbage
everywhere. As school children we should not throw litter everywhere and
pollute our environment.Man has also disturbed the peaceful environment
of the animal kingdom. There are many species of animals that have
become almost extinct, due to their natural habitats being destroyed.
However, a clean environment would bring about cool development!
Anuradha Gangadari,
Grade 8-C,Piliyandala Central College.
What I really
want in life
I do not think that life is a bed of roses. I do not intend building
castles in the sky.
"Whoever protects religion will be protected by religion", it is said
and therefore I always believe in good things such as honesty, kindness,
and good morals. This means I really want to be a good person.
As the Buddha preached, I follow the Five Precepts. I also follow the
high qualities mentioned in the "Karaneeya Metta Sutta". Because of
this, my lifestyle is very simple, calm and quiet.
When I was small, my mother said, "Do not expect anything from
anybody". So, when I am entrusted with some responsibility, I do it
perfectly. That's the way to ensure a good future.
Going by my past experiences, I know that I have strived to do good
things and succeeded to a great extent. I can get a good output from
these good deeds in the future.
I am always in a happy mood. To improve my qualities, I meditate and
listen to Dhammadesanas. I also watch good educational programmes on TV,
respect elders and help my family and friends in their needs. Last year
on August 7, I gave alms to a children's orphanage.
I intend to be a very good person and lead a contented, successful
life in the future.
Ishenka Udeshinie Fernando,
Grade 8-E, Sujatha Vidyalaya,
Peace and harmony go hand in hand
Peace and harmony are two different words that come together all the
time. These two words cannot be separated because they are interrelated.
There are powerful and great meanings hidden behind these two simple
words. If we live happily without any conflicts with one another it
would lead to the development of peace and harmony in our country.
We certainly need peace and harmony to live together with one another
because Sri Lanka is a multi-racial country with Sinhalese, Muslims,
Tamils, Burghers and others living in it. These people also practise
different religions and use different languages to communicate with one
another. The traditions and concepts too are different from one
community to another and these differences may lead to problems like the
ethnic conflict. Human society is like a network. We all have certain
duties and responsibilities to carry out and we need to get help from
one another. If a person thinks that he can live alone, it is a myth
because there is a strong bond among people. It is this huge bond that
should be used to build friendships and promote peace among the people.
World wars, acts of terrorism, religious and other conflicts are some
of the main issues that disturb the peace and harmony of a nation. To
avoid such conflict situations from arising we should learn to respect
other people. and their religions, cultures and traditions. . The
government should also contribute to the development of peace and
harmony in the country by protecting the needs and legal rights of all
the people. We should all take part in fostering peace throughout the
Dilini Tissera,
Grade 11,
Hillwood College, Kandy. |