Vihangi's blossoming talents
A star awarded to a little angel at school helps her sparkle in the
literary field...
At the tender age of six, Vihangi Rajapaksa, is already the proud
author of 'Tales from an Angel', a collection of stories and poems with
colourful illustrations done by her, which was launched at the BMICH
last Monday (August 24). Perhaps, some of you may be already acquainted
with this
young writer who was featured in the print media last week.
Little Vihangi who is domiciled in England with her parents and is a
year one student of Salcombe Preparatory School, London launched her
book while on holiday here. Going by an excerpt given in the book
published by Vihangi, it is evident that her inherent talent for writing
blossomed when she was awarded a star at school for her creative
writings about her teacher, Miss Horgan and her friend Jessica.
Little children are very spontaneous when it comes to expressing
their thoughts; vocally, in writing or on canvas, and adults need to
recognise their talents and encourage them to pursue on those lines.

One of her poems from her book |
And encouragement, a vital ingredient needed for any child to grow
and develop, little Vihangi has had in abundance, not only from her
family, but also from her school.
Vihangi who entered the wonderful world of writing while still at
Reception, says she was greatly encouraged by her year one class teacher
Mrs. Serfontein to develop her writing skills.
She says in her foreword that she was taught how to write poems using
rhyming words and also use speech marks, by Mrs. Serfontein. "Whenever I
write a poem or a story, she shows me my mistakes and also encourages me
to use adverbs and adjectives in my writings", Vihangi adds. "I really
enjoyed my English lessons with her. Whenever we go on trips from
school, I write about it", she says.
Mrs. Serfontein had also encouraged her to read a lot, says Vihangi,
who is very grateful to her for all the support and encouragement given
to take to writing and also publish her book. In fact, she expresses
much gratitude to both her family members and school authorities for all
the encouragement she received.
Vihangi who definitely has a passion for writing and shows some
promise as an artist too, says that during leisure she discusses her
poems and ideas with her mother, Upeksha Silva, and her grandmother who
buys her lots of story books and poetry books to read. She says that her
father, Dr. Ravi

T he cover which was selected as the best at the 2009 DK World
Book Day Cover
competition |
Rajapaksa and grandfather enjoyed her poetry whenever she recited
them and encouraged her to write more. "My little sister, Sandali likes
to listen to my stories the best", points out Vihangi who has written
many stories such as 'The Magic Crystal', 'The Dinosaur in the Night', 'Rakie
and the Green Ship' and 'How I met my best friend' which are included in
her first book.
Little Vihangi's happy, care free, fantasy world comes to light
through poems such as 'If I were', 'If I could be' and 'I wonder what
would happen' while poems such as 'Animal Sounds' and 'When I go on a
journey' portray her sharp awareness of her surroundings.Vihangi has
also many other feats to her credit. She has won the 2009 DK World Book
Day Cover competition conducted by Dorling Kingersley Book Company in
the four to seven age group, obtained a distinction in Classical Ballet
exams at the Royal Academy of Dance, received the Level II National
Swim Award in England, won the Year Group Prize at the school and
achieved the Perform Gold Challenge with a distinction at the Perform
Drama and Dancing Academy in London.
So, what will little Vihangi be in the future - a talented balarina,
a great swimmer following in her mother's footsteps, a recognised
academic, a popular dramatist or a famous author? Only time will tell in
which field this versatile little girl would show her colours. May be
the letter V in her name stands for versatility! |