It was fun all the way when the ladies of the city got together to
let their hair down and have a fun time. ‘The Pink Party’ notably known
for the pink attire and pink everything that everyone wore, the pink
theme wasn’t really followed as women from all corners of the city just
scurried to head to where the action was cooking.
Benjy of Aquarius together with his pinky ladies May and Che-Che
(Rochelle) gave the melody to set the mood right and they got more than
they bargained for when the ladies crowded the dancefloor by gyrating to
the music.
Singing Sade’s ‘Smooth Operator’ and even some of Madonna’s material
girl, the singing birds also gave some cheer to those taking part in the
The Master of Ceremonies bent all the rules of the games but all in
good spirit while the ‘Margherita Blue’ DJ electrified the dancefloor
with hits like ‘Rise Up’. Fun competitions like the beer drinking,
tequila shots, sausage eating, banana swallowing and best sexiest dress
competitions gave plenty of prizes and surprises.
Winners won gift vouchers courtesy ‘Margherita Blue’.
Free welcome cocktails were given at the door along with a
tantalisingly sweet pink gift.
Plenty of superstars and celebrities like actress Angela and even the
beautiful model Chula graced the occasion to make this event a superb
Speaking to Sunday Observer magazine, Chula said, “It’s always fun to
get together with the girls after a hard day’s work because you can
chill in ease and relaxation.”
The fashion of pink and the styles with twists and turns was
certainly like eye candy for all and it was no surprise that pink
balloons lined the walkways to fantasy.
A notable woman of today was Surakshi Siriwardena who wore a
fantastic dress and she said, “It’s good that everyone joined in good
spirit enjoying themselves to the maximum!” The delicious food with
bites consisted of chicken drumsticks, kebabs, rolls and delights
wrapped with lovey dovey treats and a chocolate engulfed ice cream treat
in delightful colours of brown, white and of course - pink! Singing your
heart out and dancing to the tunes of idyllic joy, many of the ladies
came from different social circles that made them happy.
Nirukshi Rupasinghe and her aide Shiro should be commended for their
untiring efforts to make this event a success which was loved by all the
ladies and girls.
“We are making it a regular event where every third Thursday of the
month will be dedicated to ladies,” said Nirukshi. So anyone for another
night of Thursday ladies’ partying, make sure you be at the ‘Margherita

Mahes Perera
It is not often that you meet up with a DJ who mixes grooves and is
also interested in writing scripts for stage plays. Well, Minol Hewage
is one such person who is on a track of widening his horizons for sure.
First thing first. How did you move into DJing?
“I started my music career soon after I left college. I had a friend
Rakitha by name who was a professional DJ at that time and he ignited
the interest in me. I used to watch him regularly and he encouraged me
to learn the basics which I did at Sound Efx Entertainment. And to
familiarise myself further I worked as a spinner for a popular English
radio station.”
In today’s music industry DJs and DJing have kangarooed into becoming
a force, giving bands and groups a run for their money. As they say
there’s always room for more and DJing has certainly moved in swiftly to
be in the centre stage as well. A DJ who enjoys different kinds of music
Minol Hewage, however, confesses he listens a lot to chill out music and
enjoys the songs of Chris Brown, Fergy and Rihana. “I think life is a
roller coaster, full of surprises and full of opportunities. There is a
lot we can learn to quote a cliche,” comments Minol.
Currently, Minol is involved with a music group called ‘Strings’. “I
joined the band recently because of my lyric writing and because I’m the
DJ for the band. They call our style hela-pop/Rnb. We will be releasing
our first album in a couple of weeks.
It contains music composed by Dinesh Saranga who is a band member.
Since we have a studio of our own we have moved into productions as
well,” voices Minol. Moving over to his other interest Minol explains
that he is keen on writing scripts for stage plays.
As a matter of fact, he has written a couple of scripts and is hoping
to produce a stage drama in the near future. “I got a lot of help from
experts in this field and I’m grateful to them. I’m focusing on the
drama production.”
However, the bottom line for Minol is that in his own words he “will
not let go of DJing for the world... I think DJing is an art... and it
is not playing songs back to back.... you have got to be an entertainer
and I would like to keep on learning about DJing and of course music
productions,” concludes DJ Minol Hewage. |