On paper, the Sony PlayStation 3 had everything going for it: Great
games, Blu-ray drive (DVD/CD are supported), a comparatively big hard
drive and network support. But it had a tough time competing with the
Microsoft Xbox360 and Nintendo Wii. In fact, several third party video
game developers had threatened to pull out of the PS3 system if Sony did
not cut the price.
So Sony has bitten the bullet and not only reduced the price of the
existing PS3, but also introduced an all-new PS3 Slim, confirming the
Internet rumors. And it is a full US$ 100 cheaper in all markets.
Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai performed the unveiling at
a press conference in Cologne, Germany. The Slim, available September 1
in North America and Europe has the same features and functions as the
"old" PS3 but is 33 percent smaller, 36 percent lighter, and comes with
a 120GB hard drive.
The PS3 Slim is powered by a new version of the Cell processor, which
runs at the same speed as the old processor but is smaller and more
energy efficient. Power consumption too has been reduced, along with fan
The PS3 Slim has built-in Wi-Fi, two USB ports and HDMI output. There
are no memory card slots. It cannot, however, play PS2 games and allow
the installation of another operating system. The hard drive can be
replaced, but at the moment Sony itself does not have a drive, so you
will have to take the third party route. Another difference is that out
of the box, the Slim is only designed to be used in a horizontal
position. The fatter PS3 could stand either way. Sony is also upgrading
the PS3 firmware to version 3.00.
The PS3 Slim does not come with a bundled game in most markets, but
you get an AV cable, USB cable and the Dual Shock game controller. There
are rumors of a forthcoming 250GB model, which will of course be more
expensive. As usual, games are available on disc and on download. That
said, if you are in the market essentially for a blu-ray player, there
is no need to buy a PS3. Standalone blu-ray players are cheaper and
often better configured. But if you are a casual gamer with an appetite
for movies, the PS3 could be the ideal solution. |