by Ramyamala
In almost all festive seasons, fashion house, fashion bug and many
more fashion stores get over crowded regardless of the difficulties
people have. Even just window shopping itself has become a fashion.
People do everything to make a difference in their lives. Life is to
enjoy. So anything new and attractive always wins the market.
Anything different from the normal, but introduced with courage is
called a "fashion".
It creates enthusiasm. That spontaneous attraction draws the
attention of all around and the one who owns it feels proud of himself
or herself. Still, as the time passes all the old things become new.
Whatever the people considered to be old, over the last few decades has
now becomes a fashion.
The nature of human mind is to look for something new and different.
Hence the fashion industry gets busier and busier. The styles repeat.
Why ? Why not something totally new?
Why not creating a totally new person? Generally we see the person
with his or her outer appearance. The fashions are introduced for that
outer person. What about the real person. In HR language a person is
different from the 'personhood'. It is this 'personhood' that we need to
re-create. Re-creating of the 'personhood' needs deep thinking and right
understanding of the person's life as a physical, mental, social and
spiritual entity.
Our personality is the outer expression of all our habits. Habits are
created with repeated actions. Actions are created through thoughts. The
attitude we have on our life plays a big role here.
"Attitude" is an accurate term to Integrate truth and understanding
in day-to-day events. To understand the truth of what is happening
around me and then to cope with it, we need to develop positive and
organised thinking. When our attitude is positive towards our life it
will ensure discipline in life which itself will create a very
systematic, neat and clean life.
Secondly, the development of the ability to cope with unpleasant
events and adverse circumstances such as death, disease etc. will lead
us to a stable life. We will be able to face arguments, criticisms,
comments and gossip.
Thirdly, the attitude towards responsibilities.
Responsibilities are opportunities to strengthen our inner
personality. When we develop the ability to accept responsibilities we
will be able to accomplish them with enjoyment and lightness.
This kind of life will create a balance between freedom and
responsibility. Responsibility is a blessing which will not only help us
to grow but will also bring about social good.
In this way when we focus our attention in developing our true
characteristics through a process of education and training, goodness
will manifest in life. It is an education by the self, to the self.
This education will certainly create a new personhood which is
attractive. We always have the choice to be strong and positive when
things get rough and tough. We have the right to use our stumbling
blocks as stepping stones. We need to make space for our genius to flow.
Creativity comes when we are relaxed, happy and enjoying the moment. If
we are optimistic even an unfavourable situation will turn favourable.
As long as we live by our values, being authentic, running our own
race and translating our dreams into practical terms, our life becomes
an example for others to follow. Then isn't it a fashion?
Even if the whole world is doing wrong let us do the right thing. A
new thing. Let us make DOING GOOD a fashion. This world can be made
positive and powerful if we are so. Let us create a new attitude of
doing everything positive and powerful. Very soon it will be a fashion
and all will follow us.
10 Simple Fashion Tips for Women
* Forget about the word “fashion” and think “style” – it may be
mentally less intimidating or more “wearable”! says Ripley.
* Even if you stay at home, make an effort to dress everyday as if
you are going out. This changes your whole approach to even the most
mundane household chores. You will find you have a more positive
attitude and are less inclined to be reduced to a couch potato, in your
slovenly sweat pants and baggy T-shirt.
* Clear out your closet. Get rid of those items which are outdated,
do not suit you or simply do not make you feel good. Make room for that
new wardrobe of clothes that you are going to build, slowly, piece by
* Take stock of how many classic items you currently have in your
closet. Start building new outfits which will prove versatile and
timeless – go anywhere and do anything. You should aim to have a
wardrobe base of well cut, classic pieces and a few cheap fun,
fashionable outfits that are right on trend, which can be replaced every
* Treat your wardrobe as an investment. “Create a closet that is full
of must-have pieces rather than make-do ones,” adds Ripley.
* Ensure that your wardrobe is built around some style staples which
will take you from season to season and can be dressed up or down. A
good coat, a little black dress, a wrap dress, well cut denims, a
classic pair of black pants, cashemere cardigan and a stylish crisp
white shirt. Update these looks every season with some fab accessories.
* According to Ripley, buying a really great bag and a pair of
look-at-me shoes, which will transform any outfit. Transform your “walk”
into a “wiggle”.
* Get to know your body shape. Are you a pear, apple, brick, hour
glass or inverted triangle? Read up on the free fashion advice available
on Suite 101 and learn how to dress for your body shape.
* Learn how to play down your flaws and make the most of your assets.
Learn how to disguise big hips, stomachs or a larger bust and learn what
not to wear if you are short or flat-chested.
* Shop smarter. Ask yourself a few key questions regarding what suits
you before you shop and plan what to buy in advance.
- womensfashion.suite101
Secrets to beautiful skin
by Natalie Hogarth
Beauty Tip: What is the single best thing you can do for your skin?
Quite simply - wear sunscreen. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin
and can lead to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots, and cancer. Take
extra precautions to make sure your skin is not exposed to the sun’s
rays. Use a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that contains sunscreen
(at least SPF 15) everyday.
What is the second best thing you can do for your skin?
Drink lots of water. That means at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Drinking water is one of the best ways to keep your skin healthy. Water
helps to hydrate the skin and move waste and nutrients through the
Beauty Tip: Things you do daily for your skin.
Aside from the sunscreen and the water consumption, exercise, rest,
and good nutrition lay the foundation for beautiful, healthy skin. A
proper diet is not only good for your overall health, it also helps to
ensure that your skin will receive all of the vitamins, minerals, and
nutrients that it needs to maintain and repair cells.