Thoughts I cling to
Clinging on to sweet memories
Of my childhood home with trellis blue
Curving over a parapet were
Yellow flowers from a tree which grew.
Clinging to the pale purple chrysanthemum
Which filled the night with perfume
And a tapestry of summer roses
Amid cool dew-moist posies.
The ivy which crept into an adjoining wall
And glorious orchids on stems so tall
clinging to the neighbourhood of long ago
Intimately close tiled-roofs low.
To memory comes our curtain of beads
Which tinkled, glistened attracting me
That small boutique with discloured walls
Unpretentious things arranged on plank stalls
Clinging to the tea-rose flush in sunset sky
A quaint village cart goes slowly by
A lazy ox plods beside the road
Keeping its own leisurely mode.
These are thoughts which often rise
My heart yearns for days gone by
In simple rhythms beneath God's kindly skies
I cling to them with misty eyes.
Caryl Nugara
Buds infant confront the ecology
To grow into matured buds
With the exposure of environment
That is experience and knowledge
Petals stretch their points
Towards discoveries perfumed with etiquette
To be graduated with "Bloom"
Bloomed flower is very pleasant to see
And many are enchanted with smell
It takes a dozen new lunar to add a petal
Three scores mean, to any one, a bundle of petals
From the service, I retired
Not because I'm tired.
But to seek a new horizon
And to fly beyond.
Wasantha Thilakarathna
Missing you awfully
(Dedicated to Kavindi Jayawardhana)
We wrote our names across the sky
We never knew you would leave us to cry
Although you seem so far away
Our memories have not sunken away
We used to have so much pleasing fun
Cracking jokes and kidding around
But now your laughter has no sound
We still remember you joking around.
Do you remember the days we spent?
Studying hard for the monster tests
And counting days for the end of the tests
So that we could start to rest,
Whatever the others say about you
We always know what is right about you
We will always be there to stand by your side
Having known that you were right
As the moments tick away
We put our hands together and pray
Hoping that you will find a place
Much better than the place we stay
Kavindi, You have been a true friend
Just letting you know,
We miss you awfully.....
Your loving friends
The public wall
Is given life
Graffiti dances on it
Teenage fears
And indignation
have invaded walls
In one corner,
I see a scribble
Of you and me
A part of the lord's web
Being punished
For our misjudgment
But yet again
Possessed by the energy
Of our young hearts
Then again
Colours have been splashed
On your picture
And it's no more
But mine is still there
Filled with lost hope
The wall will be paint-washed
And free of graffiti
But again,
May be later,
A young hand
Possessed by fury
Will scribble on it
Amanda Benjamin
Crowned Prince Sangakkara
Glorious runs come from your bat
Veteran cricketers are reversed
When the ball is in your hand
Standing behind the stumps
Conflict between bat and ball
Which one mightier
It is answerable by you
Fame and limelight on magnificent career
But you displayed very disciplined cricket
The way of Sri Lanka rest of the world recognise
May Triple Gem bless you Sanga!
Wijeratne Dahigamuwa