English language - the emblem of excellence in education
by Clarence WELIKALA
To lead Sri Lanka to become the centre of
activity and interests of education and educational facilities in not
only Sri Lanka, but also in South Asia as well.
It is a known fact that English has become 'sine qua non', that is,
indispensable, for everyone's advancement and improvement if one is to
succeed in modern society. The language's qualities of relative
simplicity and flexibility enhances its chances of taking root and
surviving, internationally.
Now the question arises, how could one learn and practice this
all-important universal language? A probable answer would be; the means
and capacity to fulfil one's desire to realise this ambition.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has taken cognizance of this urgent need
- and based on his idealogy - the Cabinet of Ministers has taken a
decision to change the English school syllabi with special emphasis of
improving students' spoken and communicative skills in the English
langauge. It is fair to contend that logic, intuitions and emotions may
each have played a vital part when making this supreme decision.
However, with a view to developing and sharing knowledge, ideas and
insights aimed at increasing understanding, plans should be drawn and
strategies implemented to enhance participation in high quality 'out of
school' time learning programmes so that students, especially those with
the highest needs, follow them to gain learning and development
benefits. In similar vain, it is worthy to comprehend that by effecting
the envisaged change, that equal emphasis on writing as well be made by
enforcing English as the medium of instruction to all grades in schools
on and all island basis. The spoken word, the art cum eloquence in
speaking and words written on paper, no doubt, bear the same
significance in order to achieve excellence in any language. The
decision made by the President is most welcome, opportune and laudable,
to say the least. The President's passion is people and to do the best
for them, he will use his power to give the student population the
benefits that are their due, through compassion and concern.
Information technology
In the technologically advanced societies, more importance is
attached to educational achievement than ever before. The percentage of
children going on to higher education increases every year, and success
in examinations or achievement tests play an increasingly large part in
the arena of information technology. In addition, children must acquire
a much larger body of knowledge in order to understand and adopt to the
greater complexity of industrial society. The three Rs of elementary
education - reading, writing and arithmetic - are no longer sufficient
in an age of speed, job mobility, and increasingly complex social
organisations. Therefore, for national as well as international
progress, English holds the key. In the arena of education in the
workplace, and in many leisure pursuits, the computer embodies. The
fundamental difference between yesterday and today. So, the urgent need
to broaden access to computer and information science skills and through
those skills to improve and sustain economic opportunities and more
fruitful participation in virtually every dimension of modern life is
the essence of the challenge.
Academic excellence
There is a need, especially at this moment in time, for the provision
of rigorous, relevant and rewarding academic education to every child in
our country from primary, through secondary to tertiary grades and
above. Those in-charge and responsible for the educational process in
Sri Lanka should endeavour to prescribe relevant and required standards
encompassing all parameters within the school - university curriculum
semester by semester and, thereby, monitor syllabi to ensure that
prescribed standards are maintained and practised. The success achieved
by students in their respective schooling or university careers will
positively serve as a catalyst for economic prosperity taking into
consideration the fact that educational institutions will have the
requisite capacity to produce quality professionals with astounding
consistency. By indulging in proper and meaningful research with
emphasis on knowledge, academic and scientific discipline and adopting
conclusions arrived at consequent to research, students as well as
teachers will benefit immensely and enjoy its many, many opportunities,
consequent to the development of their individual talents and
intelligence. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of those
overseeing education in Sri Lanka to critically think about the issues
and come up with feasible solutions to the problems plaguing education,
by overcoming economic difficulty and providing streamlined education so
that the literacy rate in our country will increase.
EDUCATION is defined as the process of establishing habits of
critical and independent appraisal of information for the purpose of
intellectually developing the whole person, and it is believed that an
educated citizenry in essential for the success of their design.
Educationist is a force required to be moulded and inculcated among
students and teachers alike to give decorum to life, and is the
knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use. There are two
reasons why education is important, viz. the training of a humanmind is
incomplete without education, education makes man a right thinker and
decision-maker, and, secondly, it is only true the attainment of
education, man is enabled to receive all necessary current information.
Without education, humans are segregated as in a closedroom, and with
education, humans will find themselves accessible toward the outside
could be based on the following, viz. numerical ability, verbal
fluency, memory and the ability to reason. We should ask ourselves
whether tests on these abilities are structured and carried out in
educational institutions of modern times. Students should be tested in
these areas as such tests are of considerable use, though their
limitation should be recognised. His Excellency President Mahinda
Rajapaksa has launched the "18-month Road Map of Dr. Sunimal Fernando's
Proposal to promote spoken/communicative English in Sri Lanka", coupled
with the release of the New Teacher Guide and Manual for Teaching Spoken
English. With its implementation, it is believed that every educational
institution - on an all - Island basis - will be in possession of the
New Teacher Guide and Manual, shortly. By doing so, a 'gateway' as it
were had been created for all students of all races to have the right to
equal access to the facility of a school and medium of instruction of
their choice. We must accept the fact that each student is unique in his
or her own way - there should be no discrimination; they have their own
interest and aspirations - permit them this right so that they could
strive to achieve their goal. After all, it is their legitimate choice
and pursuit to achieve academic excellence, they need to discover
themselves their worth and what is right for them. The dominant method
of teaching, is by feeding facts to children, needs to be dispensed with
by a new method that engages youth in the learning process and develops
minds by encouraging problem solving, decision making and creativity.
School and learning needs to be a relevant, interesting experience for
children whose attention can too often get diverted by television and
video games or drugs and crime. The above mentioned methods will be of
paramount importance when implementing the "Road map for spoken English
by the Central and Provincial Education Ministries, and they should be
monitored and co-ordinated by the Special Initiative Unit of the
Presidential Secretariat with a sense of responsibility, dignity and
Student unrest
Another salient feature that needs to be addressed is student unrest.
In today's context, there is a need to overcome revolts in campuses.
This is as important as defeating terrorism. Clashes at schools and
universities have been evident as one might gather from the press and
television accounts. But, it is felt that until our colleges and
universities become again what they profess to be - life - enhancing
centres of liberal education - they are likely to have little peace.
We have put too much stress in recent times on intellect, too little
on character building. We have sharpened our wits while weakening our
restraints. We exaggerate the value of newness in ideas and things. It
is so much easier to be original and wise. The customs, conventions and
belief of mankind are the product of 'trial and error' experience
through many centuries. It is unlikely that any individual, however
intellectually brilliant, can come in one life time to such knowledge
and depth of understanding as to sit safely and wisely in judgment of
ancient ways. Man is wiser than any man. Hence there is something
disagreeably shallow about sophistication; it suggests cleverness about
the part and ignorance of the whole. Modesty makes wisdom wiser, as it
makes beauty lovelier. The whole world of knowledge, technology, morals,
manners, government, literature, philosophy and art belongs to everybody
and is our heritage. With proper administrative guidance in the
respective areas to those attempting to gain professional status, Sri
Lankans could achieve excellence in their respective fields and, in
turn, they could be classified as prodigies.
With the scourge of terrorism being defeated for good in Sri Lanka,
we may see children in all kinds of settings, e.g. Refugee camps. It
will be fair to state that one would be impressed by their toughness,
their resilience, their ability to endure, to find food to bear hardship
and pain against all odds. No matter how difficult their surroundings,
one will be surprised by the ease with which they lean to play. They
deserve better lifestyles now more than ever. Let them enjoy the
discretion of the President.
Children are all around us. They represent a fair percentage of our
country's population. They are not equipped to defend themselves; they
must depend on what is given to them. They are victims of circumstances.
They bring us joy, they bring us tears they bring responsibility and,
above all, they are our reason to hope., they are your children,they are
my children, they are the children of our country - Mother Lanka.
Dramatic new findings prove that a child's basic intelligence can be
significantly augmented by teachers who are willing to follow a few
essential rules of training and encouragement. Science may challenge
this assumption - and in the process delegating teaches a heady
responsibility, i.e. raising children's intelligence qualification in
the crucial early years when it is most malleable.
Great articles written and published by eminent personalities are all
to often under estimated as being mere words. In fact, they can either
pose serious consequences or have powerful repercussions - good or bad.
The writer trusts that the sequence of events narrated on this vital
subject will be appealing, harmonious and acceptable. In short, the
subject is compulsive, the course should be fulfilled, the goal reached
not withstanding difficulties encountered and the conflicts involved.
By experiencing the success of the implementation of the "18 Month
Road Map of Dr. Sunimal Fernando's Proposal", we will witness a society
where people will be free to assert their inalienable rights to life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Mission: To anticipate and fulfil
education and educational requirements of the nation in its entirety in
a meaningful standardized and service orientated framework which will
provide total student satisfaction and competence through modern methods
of instructional technique coupled with state of the art facilities. |