New system replaces deed registration of property
Seminar on registration of title to property will be held on October
30 at the Excel World auditorium T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo from 8.30
a.m. to 4.00 p.m. organised by the Alumni Association of the
International Development Law Organization (IDLO) Sri Lanka.
The seminar will educate and inform the public of the new system of
registration affecting immovable property.
It is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands and Land
Development, Ministry of Justice and Law Reforms and Association of
Corporate Lawyers of Sri Lanka.
The Registration of Title Act of 1998 (RTA) replaces deeds
registration with registration of title to lands in areas where its
application has been introduced by Gazette. Under this new system,
ownership of land is based on a Certificate of Title.
The main objective of title registration is to grant government
guaranteed land title to private land owners. A system of stable
property rights without labour intensive searches enhances the
credibility and marketability of lands. This is a great incentive to
entrepreneurs and the private sector, which is the backbone of the
economy of our country.
Presentations will be made by eminent resource personnel having
knowledge and expertise on the subject. Topics/Issues that will be
discussed at this Seminar include: What is Registration of Title? Why is
it introduced to developing nations with a government undertaking to
protect private land rights in contrast to the deed registration
system?; The process, procedure of Title Registration and the need for
connected cadastral maps; Title Registration and benefits of insurance
of title; Experiences of other countries; main features of the
Registration of Title Act (RTA) of Sri Lanka, the proposed amendments,
and regulations. Presentations, including pre recorded ones, will be
made by a panel including; Prof. J. David Stanfield, PhD, Land Tenure
Specialist, University of Wisconsin, USA; Ms. Maya Nanayakkara,
Solicitor, Australia; P.M.P. Udayakantha, Senior Assistant Secretary,
Ministry of Lands and Land Development; Ms. Joyce Palmer, University of
Oklahoma, College of Law, USA; Ms. Kirthimala Gunasekera,
Attorney-at-Law; Nihal Jayamanne, President's Counsel and K. Neelakandan,
Partner Law Firm M/s. Murugesu & Neelakandan.