Lost in the crowd
Love stories usually start with eyes meeting and love at first sight.
But when I first saw you, I was obsessing over someone else. I was dead
to the world when you broke my trance by uttering an almost unheard
hello. I tried to ignore you and return to my post of gazing from afar,
but you didn't give up. You sat by my side, fiddling with the baggy
jeans you were wearing.
An announcement dragged me out of my dream world and I felt ashamed
at how I ignored you, and admired your patience. We finally struck up a
conversation and soon became the best of friends. But now, many years
later, I am still your friend but you mean so much more to me. But how
can I tell you that I love you?
Love Lines
Can't talk,
Words can't express the way I feel...
Can't see, hear or think,
Because my brain is dead...
No emotions,
As my heart won't beat in pain...
Can't feel,
My skin is numb to the vein...
My guardian angel,
The sweetest angel
on earth is not here to ease my pain...
Wish I could go to sleep,
And never wake up again...
- Tharindu Ginige
If you are a gal who's reluctant to make the first move, or a guy
who's afraid of being flatly refused, then Crush on you is the right
place for you. Or better yet impress your sweetheart by putting your
love thoughts into verse in Love Lines. Please send in your love poems
and letters to Love, Sunday Observer Magazine, 35, D.R Wijewardene
Mawatha, Lake House, Colombo 10 or email them to
[email protected] |