Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 1 November 2009





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Health and planets

Each sign of the zodiac represents a certain part of the human body and the diseases peculiar to it and each planet also indicates certain types of diseases. The planetary positions at birth clearly indicate the nature of the diseases one would suffer from when and how they would affect us and how best at alleviating them. The 12 signs are 1. Aries - Head, 2. Gemini - Chest, Arms, Throat, 3. Cancer - Heart, 4. Leo - Belly, 5. Virgo - Abdominal, 6. Taurus - Face, 7. Libra - Lower stomach portion, 8. Scorpio - Generative organs, 9. Sagittarius - Thighs, 10. Capricorn - Knees, 11. Aquarius - Legs, 12. Pisces - Toes.

The nine planets rule different portions of the body in detail they are 1. Sun - head,eye, 2. Moon - water, breast, glands, stomach, 3. Mars - muscle, blue, ear, nose, 4. Mercury - nerves, brain, spinal cord, 5. Jupiter - blood, phlegm, 6. Venus - reproductive organs, 7. Saturn - joints, bones.

The sixth house indicates the disease. The 11th house also indicates the nature of ailment. The planet in 6th or 11th the combinations ETC and when no planet is in 6th or 11th, the aspect, received on such sign decides the nature of illness.

If the 6th Bhava Jalarasi and when moon is also there, water portion of the body will be affected.

When the 6th Bahawa is a fiery sign and when fiery planet also occupies it, danger through fire or boils are predictable.

If the 6th is an any sign planet also occupies, the wind portion of the body will be affected.

Like pain in joints or excess wind in stomach. Mars indicates operation. Sun in the 06th invariably indicates hot disease or eye troubles or headache, Mercury Indicates nervousness, sleepless nights, paralysis. Venus gives uterus or kidney trouble, diabetes, hernia etc. Saturn indicates pain in joints and when other factors like 08th house or 03rd house are also bad, fracture in bone etc, may be the result. This planet has control over bile. Hence, jaundice or typhoid fever are also denoted.

Rahu indicates poisonous bites, mental trouble. Ketu indicates mental sickness, giddiness etc. Jupiter gives trouble in chest region like asthma or blood sugar or blood poison, blood pressure.

Each planet is given control over some Humour (Dosha) causing disease and the type and seat of disease depends upon the nature of the planet and the particular sign occupied by it and the period of suffering is denoted by the Dasas and Bhuktis of such a planet as shown below.

Precautions in predictions

The house of disease is the 06th from the ascendant.

The planets therein, the lord of the 06th, the aspects on the 06th and the navamsa (Nawan Sakaya), the lord of the 06th occupies, should all be considered for predicting diseases.

The planets in the 06th house affect the particular part of the body governed by the sign, and the diseases will be those that are indicated by its rulers due attention may be paid to the ascendant, and the relationship between its lords and that of the 06th.

The general build-up and strength of the physical constitution must be ascertained with reference to the position of the Sun and the mental peculiarities with reference to the moon. The sun in the 06th aspected by saturn is sure to bring about loss of vitality by means of unnatural methods like masturbation and sodomy.

Malefics in the 06th with no beneficial aspects cause continuous illness (MR.X has mercury in the 6th with saturn and mars powerfully aspected by Rahu - Suffered from continuous arthritis for more than 25 years).

The 8th House governs illness of a chronic type, sometimes incurable and necessitating surgery. Similary the 12th house also begets diseases since sometimes heavy expenditure is also involved in the treatment.

So all these have to be looked into.

This much is I think enough at this stage to understand the situation. Only an expert in medical astrology will be able to deal the subject properly.


Aries		Governs		The Face	
Taurus		Governs		The neck and throat
Gemini		Governs		Upper Arm and throat
Cancer		Governs		Breast, Epigastric region elbow.

LEO		Governs		Back and forearm
Virgo		Governs		Hands and Abdominal region
Libra		Governs		Lumbar Region and loins
Scorpio		Governs		External generative and urinary 
				organs and anus 

Sagittarius	Governs		Hips
Capricorn	Governs		Epidermis
Aquarius	Governs		Legs and ankles
Pisces		Governs	Toes




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