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Sunday, 22 November 2009





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Government Gazette

'Maw Sevena' - a boon for needy boys

The needy boys at Maw Sevena

The Legion of Mary, a lay people's organisation for the spiritual uplift of its members - a Worldwide Society with its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland - has been rendering a variety of social work in Sri Lanka for over 75 years. For the legionary his spiritual uplift is the very foundation or the springboard from which he tries to reach to those he seeks to serve through the Legion. Way back in about early 1973 these legionaries in Sri Lanka realised the need to sort out family problems, such as the placement of boys born out of wedlock and children abandoned with nowhere to go. Whilst there were some homes for girls in the Convents, there was virtually no homes for boys.

A few Legionaries with Godwin Mendis, a great legionary then, along with Maurice Lord set out on their mission to set up a Home for Destitute Boys under the great Legion System, as laid out in the Handbook of the Legion, better known as its bible, a heavily inspired work by the Legion Founder the late Frank Duff, whose cause for Sainthood in the Catholic Church is now being taken up for his admirable work.

The two dedicated legionaries an others, went out desperately in search of a location for this Home. It was at this stage that the Legion of Mary was then offered the land at Mattakkuliya, donated by the late Mr. and Mrs. D.M.J. Corea to the Church, for the purpose of setting up a Home for Destitute Boys by the late Cardinal Thomas Cooray.

The Legionaries with the late Godwin Mendis as its founder and assisted by Maurice Lord, then set out on their task to accomplish their mission. The first sod for the buildings at Maw Sevena, was cut by the late Very Rev. Fr. Ignatius Gamlath, its Spiritual Director on the feast of Mary's Assumption into Heaven on August 15, 1974. In the presence of a large number of Legionaries Mrs. Helena Fernando, Hantley Jansen, Terrence Suraweera, Mervyn Nugara, Lady Marianne Rodrigo representing the whole Legion in Sri Lanka.


The Legion then went on its mission to organise the set up for the Home for Destitute Boys, the first of its type anywhere in the world. They called it Maw Sevena - under the shadow of the mother - Mary, the great Mother of God - the Queen of the Legion of Mary. Two units were set up - a Praesdium under the famous Legion System, consisting of Legionaries not only from the parish of Mattakkuliya, but from adjoining parishes - to make it a national undertaking without limiting it in the usual way to a Praesidium in the parish.

The first President was Marurice Lord and this Praesidium has now been meeting for over 1,800 consecutive weekly meetings engaged in looking after the daily living conditions of these destitute boys, their accommodation, food, clothing and schooling. It is in this prayerful Legion approach and its unique demanding conditions that the daily living of these boys came under close scrutiny by the Praesidium and the steps taken for a greater reaching to the destitute boys committed to its care, through these weekly meetings.

After having laid the groundwork for looking after the boys the Legionaries then set out on their plan for the work to be done beyond its daily care, as they realised that there was a need for a unit to take over the administration, and its financial needs. It was just not possible it was felt for a small Presidium to undertake these heavy needs, and the Legionaries then laid out its plan to set up a Board of Management to take over the Homes heavier functions under a specially drawn up Constitution. The Board of Management was to consist of ten senior Legionaries of Mary from the area Local Councils, to meet once a month and focus their attention solely on finances and the maintenance of the Home. This Board of management, which included a priest as it Spiritual Director, has now met for over 400 consecutive monthly meetings. The first Chairman of the Board of Management was Godwin Mendis of revered memory, and Helena Fernando, Hantley Jansen and L.D.M. Albert were among the other members.

With the assistance of His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Cooray who gave an initial donation of Rs. 50,000, the Legionaries set out on their initial plan to put up two cottages each to contain provision for housing 10 boys under the motherly care of a lady matron and a pantry and dining room. The entire building plan was in the hands of Godwin Mendis, himself a Staff Draughtsman in the Telecommunication Department, and with the assistance of Maurice Lord and other legionaries, the first stage of the work to set Maw Sevena on its mission to see and serve Christ in the little boys handed to its care, was set in motion. It was made by the Legion and for the Legion.

On the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, December 8, 1974, Maw Sevena unofficially opened its doors to two little boys about eight years age, as the buildings were not yet completed. Sometime after the completion of the first stage of its buildings, Maw Sevena was opened on June 5, 1976 by Archbishop Carlo Curis, Apostolic Nuncio in Sri Lanka. The buildings were blessed by his Eminence Cardinal Thomas Cooray, in the presence of a large gathering of Legionaries and other well-wishers. With the increased demand for accommodation for more destitute boys, the second stage, consisting of another cottage for ten more boys and a sickroom were opened and thereafter on December 10, 1983 a building to train the boys in carpentry was opened by Dr. Nicholas Marcus Fernando, Archbishop of Colombo. In 1999 Bishop J. Swamipillai presided at the Maw Sevena 25th anniversary celebrations.

During the 35 years of its existence 1974 to 2009 Maw Sevena - rightly called the Presidium of Our Lady, comforter of the afflicted - set out to reach the poorest of the poor - under a plan of close scrutiny by the Legionaries to help those boys desperately in need of caring and assistance. The boys admitted to Maw Sevena each have a story of being stranded in life, unable to be cared for in the future, with mothers forced into marriage at an early age and then abandoned by their fathers, boys with parents one or both having incurable diseases, boys just left by their parents, deciding each to go their own way after years of marriage, abandoning their sons.

Destitute boys

For the last 35 years, the Legionaries at Maw Sevena have tried to reach out to the Destitute Boys handed to its care entirely through its own resources. They have in no small measure used all the means available to provide them a shelter, education and recreation in an attempt to provide them a greater hope in their little lives in the future.

The boys live in reasonably fair living conditions, and are provided with beds and cupboards. In view of the poor standard of education in the area schools the boys go to, daily tuition is provided by visiting teachers in a specially provided Study Room. Extra tuition is also conducted in English for all the boys. Computer training classes are also conducted by competent teachers. There is a regular focus on the education of these boys, with a continuous attempt made to help the boys to attain higher educational standards. All boys go to Daham Pasal classes, and receive their First Communion and even Confirmation whilst at Maw Sevena. They even have a Junior presidium conducted by senior Legionaries to help them into getting used to work under Legion System. A boy from Puttalam who came to Maw Sevena about 15 years ago, is now in the Seminary and may be a priest soon.

All boys for admission, have to be Catholics, in terms of the law and are generally admitted between the ages of six and eight. This gives Maw Sevena a fair amount of time to work on improving the living standards, of the boys in helping them to a better way of life. The boys remain at Maw Sevena with accommodation in their dormitories, and are provided, their eduction, health and recreation by Maw Sevena at no cost to the boys. They go to area schools, and can remain at Maw Sevena up to the time they sit for their GCE O/L examinations. Maw Sevena is even today considering to keep the boys up to the time they sit for their Advanced level Examinations.

Jobs for boys

During the last 35 years boys leaving Maw Sevena have been found jobs as trainees, apprentices or even sent for vocational training.

A ready source of employment for the boys has been through Business Machines Co. ltd. through Maurice Lord, to provide ready employment as trainees or apprentices in an established company dealing in office automation equipment. Many of these boys have gone on employment in business machines soon after their O/Level examinations.

Some of them are still employed in this company and earning a fair livelihood. Other boys passing through Maw Sevena have also been helped to find employment elsewhere. The hundreds of boys that have passed through Maw Sevena are substantially in very gainful employment earning a fair living for themselves. Some of them are married and even living in their own homes, whilst there is a boy who is well employed at a leading company and even driving his car. Maw Sevena does everything possible to reach out to the boys who leave after their O/Levelexaminations to find gainful employment.

Maw Sevena is today grateful to all those who have helped it to render the service they have given to the destitute boys handed to its care over the last 35 years. All this would not have been possible, but for the ready support the Legionaries at Maw Sevena received at various levels.

They would first like to place on record their sincere appreciation of all the support they received from His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Cooray, then Archbishop of Colombo. He gave Maw Sevena the land on which Maw Sevena proudly stands today, in preference over others, to the Legion of Mary. He graciously donated Rs. 50,000 towards the building of the first stage of Maw Sevena. He also showed his great care and concern for Maw Sevena in so many other ways.

Maw Sevena is also grateful to the Archbishops of Colombo for all the support they have readily extended to Maw Sevena. To the Central Council of the Legion of Mary in Sri Lanka - the Senates - for promoting the formation of Maw Sevena - the first legion unit of this nature anywhere in the world, and for supporting it during these 35 years.

They also thank the various Legion Councils throughout the island for all the assistance they have given Maw Sevena. They also thank the Legionaries in Sri Lanka for arranging to send handsome donations from abroad through their children.


Maw Sevena would like to also place on record its deep appreciation of the leadership given by the late Godwin Mendis, its founder, in all he so generously did in setting up this Home for Destitute Boys, and taking all the steps in making it possible for Maw Sevena to render the great service it has provided over the past 35 years. Maw Sevena would also record its appreciation of all the services rendered to it by Maurice Lord.

And from here Maw Sevena would like to say how much it appreciates and is grateful for all the other assistance it has received during the last 35 years. Numerous local donors have contributed so much towards our needs.

We have also had many foreign donors, without whose help it would have never been able to sustain Maw Sevena particularly during those early years. Maw Sevena would like in particular to remember the late Michael Hosman of the Netherlands introduced through Rev. Sister Agnes a Superior of Good Shepherd Convent, Kotahena for the great assistance she has given to the Home. Michael, for the great support he rendered over a period of nearly 10 years, was even then known as the Godfather of Maw Sevena.

He obtained many donations through various bodies in the Netherlands to provide for the needs of the Home in addition to his personal assistance.

And now we have the London School of Commerce very generously coming to our aid. Over the past five years, its Managing Director and others from the London School of Commerce has made regular visits to our Home to help provide the needs of our boys and to do all they can to promote the cause of Maw Sevena. They have helped provide renovations for the boys' Study Room, making it possible for the boys to sit in their desks in a comfortable room for their study.

They have had the boys toilets and bathrooms all tiled. They have paid for the tuition classes organised at their request for the boys. Computers have also been provided and training classes are held, all at the expense and generosity of Tim Andradi, Managing Director of the London School of Commerce. Much assistance has also been received through Mr. Andradi, for Christmas and gifts and toys for the boys.

The London School of Commerce in its generosity even wants to create a kind of Trust Fund for Maw Sevena in its eager concern for the development and the uplift the standard of the boys . To Tim Andradi and the London School of Commerce, Maw Sevena is deeply indebted and grateful.

Maw Sevena would also like to remember those legionaries who have contributed much to Maw Sevena, and have now passed away.

They would like to remember first their Founder Godwin Mendis who passed away on March 6, 1999, Roy Wiejgoonewardena, who was on the Board of Management, Joe Milhuisen, Joy Perera a former Treasurer, and others for all the assistance given to Maw Sevena.

Labour of love

We would also like to remember those Legionaries who have held high office in Maw Sevena from its inception - Newton Fernando, Tony Rodrigo, Frances Lovell, Margie Silva, Layton Leon, all former Chairpersons of Maw Sevena for all that they contributed to help Maw Sevena set itself up and sustain it during these 35 years and bring it to the sound position from which it could now continue to render their labour of love to its Destitute Boys.

Maw Sevena would also be grateful to all the Spiritual Directors who have held office in the Legion of Mary for their help and guidance in helping legionaries work along with them in the mission of the church. They would like to thank the late Rev. Fathers Ignatius Gamlath and Fr. Martin Guneratne and Fr. Nereus Fernando, who were so supportive of the Legion in their time. To Very Rev. Father Bernard Quintus, Maw Sevena is particularly grateful for almost 25 years of service in the Legion as well as in Maw Sevena.

Maw Sevena is today grateful to the matrons and other members of the staff who have made a great contribution in helping it to render a great service to the hundreds of boys who have passed through Maw Sevena and who are now there. Along with the Legionaries, the staff has worked in a true spirit of care and concern for the destitute boys at Maw Sevena, all the while helping them all the way towards the goal of a better way of life for them for the future.

And finally Maw Sevena is grateful to Mary, the Mother of God, and the Queen of the Legion for choosing it to undertake and carry on with its mission of mercy to the destitute boys that have been entrusted to it.

They have had their good times and very bad times all the way. Maw Sevena firmly believes that whatever they have been able to accomplish has been due to the graces and blessings from Mary and the unbelievable strength they have received from her to carry on with their mission of mercy.

It is with Faith in Mary and the never failing help they have received from Mary, that the Legionaries have been able to carry on with this difficult work. As Maw Sevena looks to even a greater future, a greater reaching out to the boys in its care, it is very confident that with Mary they can go all the way in their mission to see and serve Christ in the little boys handed to it through Mary, the Queen of the Legion.

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