Security, reconciliation and development:
Future challenges facing Sri Lanka
The Olcott Oration is one of the annual events
organised to commemorate the founder of Ananda College, Colonel
Henry Steele Olcott. As a result of Col. Olcott’s vision to promote
the English medium of instructions for Buddhist students, Ananda
College began its historic journey as the Buddhist English School in
Maliban Street, in 1886, under the able stewardship of C.W.
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North needs new political thinking -Prof. Balasundarampillai
President of the People’s Council for Peace and
Goodwill of Jaffna and the former Jaffna University Vice Chancellor
Professor P. Balasundarampillai says there is a significant
improvement in the socio-economic aspects in the North since the end
of war early this year.
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