Sampath Bank wins a prestigious award:
'Bank of the Year 2009'
Sampath Bank reached another milestone in its' celebrated history by
winning another glorious global accolade. "The Banker" magazine of
Financial Times - London awarded the "Banker of the Year 2009" to the
pioneering leader Sampath Bank.
The recognition of Sampath Bank being named 'Bank of the Year 2009'
in Sri Lanka by the world's longest running international banking title
is a clear testament to its outstanding performance and financial
As a new player, which entered the market just 22 years ago, the Bank
faced many challenges and crossed many milestones, during its brief
history. It earned a reputation for initiating many revolutionary
changes in the local bank industry in terms of IT.
The concept of Uni-banking, in which all service outlets being
connected, facilitating customers to transact with any outlets in the
network, was a novel experiment in the local banking industry, at the
time Sampath launched it.
Sampath became a fully computerized bank from day one, which began
setting trends for many others to follow. Sampath was also the first
Bank to introduce ATM's and Credit Cards in the local banking industry.
The rapid but well planned expansion drive was another key phenomenon
of Sampath.
Being recognised as an emerging and dynamic player, Sampath continued
to maintain this image by expanding into all potential areas in the
country, offering new products and financial solutions and growing at a
rapid pace. The Bank now has over 125 branches and 177 ATMs located
throughout the country.
The bank is also single the largest shareholder of a leading
financial company in Bangladesh.
Sampath Bank's current vision is to position itself as a National
Bank in Sri Lanka to the true sense of its word, providing excellent
service throughout the country to all sectors of the economy. Further,
the Bank is repositioning itself as the 'Bank for Deposits', in the
country, which offers value added and tailor made deposit products to
all segments of the market, covering all stages in the life cycle of
The Bank has embarked on an ambitious branch expansion program in the
newly liberated Northern and Eastern province, under which a new branch
was opened in Jaffna, the Provincial capital of the North, in addition
to 11 branches, opened in the Eastern province.
The total number of new branches already opened and to be opened in
2009 will be about 19, which maybe the largest number of new branches
opened by any bank in the year 2009.
Similarly, Sampath introduced several innovative new deposit products
and financial solutions to the market with several novel features,
enabling the Bank to maintain a significant growth in business volumes
during the recent past.