EU assists dairy farmers
The European Commission (EC), through its implementing partner the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) provides a milk chilling
centre for the dairy farmers of Bandaradoowa Village, Uhana, in Ampara.
This project, actioned by the EC and implemented through IOM,
consists of the supply and installation of a milk cooler which can hold
500 litres of milk, and keep it cool, at any one time has included the
construction of a new building, with all the other necessary facilities.
Average household income in Bandaradoowa is currently around LKR
3,180 per month, and of the 309 households, 43 are female headed and two
thirds are registered Samurdhi recipients.
The Dairy farmers will have much benefits from this centre.
The project cost over 5.9 million Sri Lankan rupees and will serve
some 1,522 beneficiaries, of which 112 dairy farmers in this
conflict-affected village directly.