At the 45th ICASL
Annual Report Awards:
HNB strikes Gold
Hatton National Bank PLC (HNB) walked away with the prestigious Gold
Award and the Cyril Gardiner Memorial Trophy for Excellence in Annual
Financial Reporting at the 45th Annual Report Awards 2009 presented by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) held on
November 25, at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel.
HNB also won the Gold Award and the Edmond J Cooray Trophy for the
"Best Presented Annual Report in the Banking Sector" and the Silver
Award for "Best Presentation of the Management Discussion and Analysis".
The Annual Report Awards was introduced by the ICASL to recognize and
encourage transparency in financial reporting and to enhance reporting
standards in line with global best practices.
Launched in 1964 the event has evolved into being the most
prestigious recognition for an organization and much coveted by the
business community.
Winners are selected based on stringent selection criteria by an
eminent panel of judges.
"We are deeply honoured by this recognition which is a good testament
of the Bank's commitment for maintaining the highest standards,
transparent reporting and good governance" said Rajendra Theagarajah,
Managing Director/CEO in his statement.