Guess What
Let me light up your life!
by Tissa Hewavitarane.
Egyptians had known China longer
than China had known Egypt. From 1505, onwards a steady stream of
Chinese sailors, soldiers of fortune traders and missionaries flowed
into Egypt. Chinese had known Egypt through the writings of Greeks and
Romans. By the latter part of the 15th century they were able to lay
hands on simple slips that were exchanged by both Egyptians and Chinese
as messages of good-will.
In this context I cannot exactly trace my ancestors. I am deprived of
possessing a birth certificate; therefore I do not know my exact date of
birth or my parents. However my adoptive parents are Chinese who were
reputed as number one entrepreneurs in the whole of Asia.
I had no schooling at all. From my teenage I spent my life in
different stages with fellow workmen. From my childhood days I was
moulded to become a commercial commodity. As I gradually turned to
adulthood, I came under good care and was fed with nourishing food.
As a result my texture of the skin turned smooth and beautiful. I was
shaped into various sizes and forms and given full protection with soft
covers to protect my skin. Creative writers, poets, and artists adored
my skin, and had a field day. Poets put beautiful messages of good will
into pen and ink, while creative artists explored tremendous talents
through their brush.
By now I had reached the prime age eligible for any suitor. So my
parents were on the look out for a suitable partner to give me in
marriage. So they thought the best exposure to exhibit would be inside a
glass showcase. No sooner I found my board and lodging in a leading
supermarket. Here I met my other fellow mates who became very friendly.
Now I was very mindful living with my new companions.Success depends on
the latest multitude features and qualities one possesses. The more
creative designs were required as `must haves’ to compete with one
I became very popular especially among teenagers and was in big
demand during Valentne’s Day just their sweetie to know how much they
love and care each other. As the invention of the postage stamp and the
commercial printing started to allow people all over the world to send
greetings to their loved ones, I received the brand name as greeting
Young and old spotted the best place to look for me was at Hall mark
and American Greetings the two giant business tycoons who possesed me.
Today they turn out a billion dollar business by my charming
personality.I am proud that I am fit and perfect for any occasion, with
themes and illustrations that are great for all tastes and make a great
way to brighten up some ones day. |