Tears - My best friend
Healing the burning wounds in my world
You recover and comfort my ailing heart,
Speaking thousands of words by gently rolling
You silently represent my unspoken words,
Rescuing me from the sea of pain
You, every time, relieve my sinking life
Of both failure and success of my journey
You do embrace my soul giving strength,
Being the sole companion of my world
You give me life, you give me hope
To live...to live
Another fraction of a second!
Jayalath Basnagoda
Is it fair being abandoned as a baby at the beginning of life?
Is it fair living as a cripple for the rest of your life?
Is it fair being blind and not know what's around you all your life?
Think of what you have and make the best of life.
Is it worth being abused and live in despair all your life?
Is it worth being unhappy and miserable for the rest of your life?
Is it worth being dishonest, deceitful and shameful all your life?
Is it worth living the rest of your life?
Make the best of what you have in life and
The best way you should lead your life
A truthful, honest, sincere and god fearing life
Would be the best way to lead your life
Making the proper and honest decisions in life
Is worth living proud for the rest of your life
I'm a prisoner
I'm a prisoner
In this glass box of propriety
With a swirling desire
To touch the untouchable.
Killing my passion in cruelty
My soul weeps
Of this misery.
My heart nailed to decorum
My hands chained in
But my wings ache and vibrate
To flee in the sky
Of my life.
So I own neither my life
My soul or my moment
And I live your life
Your thought your command.
In this prison, of your
Then I tried to break free
Fly away but you dragged me
And you said I sinned
And I'm so guilty
Then you chained me again,
In your; conventional prison.
Chintha Hewage
Precisely harmless
I mind my own business
Doing harm to none,
No complaint can anyone make
For no harm is done
Anything concerning me is only what I take,
The rest I do nothing
To assure I'm not complained.
Once I saw a man
Walking steadily to a pit,
Not a single utter I made,
For his business was not mine.
I heard yet another
Deciding on a wrong conclusion,
I didn't show him what's right,
For his business was not mine.
I answered yet another
But he didn't understand me right,
My job was to answer which I did,
The rest I do not mind.
How much do I hear but do not listen?
How many do I talk to without a worthy utterance?
How many things I do without a real action?
For I mind my own business doing harm to none
Yes, indeed I am, precisely a harmless one.
Umeshka Ratnaweera
Life is a river
Life is flowing like
Water in a river and,
I'm a small drop
In this great river.
Fatigue is the nature of
This journey and,
Everything can be changed,
In a second.
K. D. Prasangika Dilshani
Caught a glimpse of my classmate,
Who sits in the last row......
Who never speaks much, has no friend,
And is as pale white as snow....
Among the restless mouths,
Who boast their whole life....
I always find myself curiously,
Wondering about her silent mysterious life..
She comes early in the morning, but how,
With whom, no one knows.....
She leaves after everyone else,
She has no contact with anyone though.....
Who is she, what is the secret she hides,
Sitting in the corner, far behind all....
She jumps back if someone tried to talk,
Lost in her own world disturbed by footfall....
"Hi Natasha", a soft low "Hi" is the only conversation,
That takes place,
The mystery of her shyness, slow ways, the secret she hides,
I would never learn in this busy life race...
- Dilini Amalka Goonewardene