Continuing a rich tradition in choral music since the
school's inception:
'Festival of nine lessons & carols'
The Trinity College Choir will celebrate "A Festival of Nine Lessons
and Carols", at the Trinity College Chapel, Kandy on Sunday December 6
at 6.30 p.m. This Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols follows the
traditional form and content of carol services conducted by Kings'
College, Cambridge.
It is one of the most important events on the Trinity College year
and is also a much looked forward to event that continues to draw
enthusiastic and appreciative audiences from around Sri Lanka,
regardless of religious beliefs. Many confess to being moved to worship
by the beauty and purity of the Service, while sharing in its rich
choral tradition.
The scene within the famed open Chapel of 50 pillars, fine stone
carvings and elegant murals, is ethereal. Pass through the fading
evening light, beneath an entrance festooned with sweet smelling flowers
and lit by the dim golden glow of gently smoking pol thel pahanas and
you are transported into another world. Right on cue, a clear treble
voice rises through the dusk as it voices a perennial carol. The
Festival has begun.
Trinity College, Kandy, was founded by the Church Missionary Society
(CMS), which brought with it the great traditions of English Church
Music and the concept of an organised choir whose very existence
depended on discipline and commitment.