Yogas and Avisthas:
How fortunes and misfortunes affect life
by Nishantha PERERA
Human life falls under two grand divisions. Yogas and Avisthas, or
fortunes and misfortunes. Yogas include success in every line and
Avisthas or misfortunes include all sorts of sorrows etc. A yoga is
formed by more than one planet. The nature of a planet is of three types
viz benefics, malefic and natural. According to the natural
classification benefics and Jupiter, Venus, well associated Mercury and
waxing Moon and malefics are the Sun, Mars, Saturn, evil-associated
Mercury and waning Moon. The benefics or benefics lords are
(1) Lord of Lagna
(2) Lords of 5th and 9th
(3) Lords of kendras or Quardrants when they are natural malefics.
The malefics are (1) Lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th and Lords of the
2nd and 12th maybe turned neutral because conjunctions. The 8th Lord is
a malefic according to Jataka Chandrika but for all practical purposes,
he may be taken as a neutral. The above can be classified thus.
Lord or 01, Lords of 05 and 09, and Lords of 04, 07, 10 if they are
natural malefics.
Lords of 03, 06 and 11. Lords of 04, 07 and 10 if they are natural
Neutrals: Lords of 2, 8 and 12.
Of course, the 8th Lord is supposed to be evil unless he be the sun
or the moon. We shall avoid controversies and assume that the 8th Lord
is neutral for the purpose of interpreting yogas.
In the above list of benefics, malefics and neutrals, we have
completely forgotten to take into account the influence due to a double
lordship. Thus for Aquarius, Mars owns the 10th Quardrant is good. In
addition to the 10th he owns the 3rd also which is bad. In other words,
Mars, a natural malefics becomes a benefics Lord by virtue of owning a
Kendra. Mars is influenced by his own ownership of the 3rd house. It
will be seen that excepting Sun and Moon all other planets own two
houses each so that whether a planet is a benefic or malefic, can be
judged only when both the Lordships are taken into account. The nature
of a Lord is influenced by two factors viz. (i) The other Lordship and
(2) Association. The other Lordship varies with regard to different
ascendants. When Pisces is Lagna, Mars owns 2nd and 9th houses while he
owns 1st and 8th when Aries is Lagna. Thus the 'Ascendant' is of the
utmost importance while deciding the benefics and malefic lords.
Before attempting to interpret yogas properly the strength of the
various planets have to be noted. A yoga is formed by at least two
planets though there are three hundred important combinations, there are
a few commonly understood yogas which are given below.
Gajakesari Yoga
If Jupiter is in a Kendra from the Moon, the combination goes under
the name gajakesari. This indicates many relations polite and generous,
builder of villages and towns or magistrate over them, will have a
lasting reputation even long after death.
Sunapha Yoga
If there are planets (excepting the Sun) in the second house from
Moon, sunapha is caused. This indicates self-earned property, king ruler
on his equal, intelligent, wealthy and good reputation.
Anapha Yoga
If there are planets in the 12th from moon, Anapa Yoga is formed.
This indicates, well formed organs, majestic appearance, good
reputation, polite, generous, self-respect, fond of dress and sense of
pleasures. In later life, renunciation and austerity.
Duradhara Yoga
If there are planets on eitherside of the Moon, the combination goes
under the name of Duradhara. This indicates the native is bountiful. He
will be blessed with wealth and conveyances.
Chandra Mangala Yoga
If Mars conjoins the Moon, this Yoga is formed this indicates earning
through unscrupulous means. A seller of women, treating mother harshly
and doing mischief to her and other relatives.
Kemadruma Yoga
When there are no planets on both sides of the Moon Kemadruma Yoga is
formed. This indicates the person will be dirty, sorrowful, doing
unrighteous deeds, poor, dependant, rogue and a swindler.
Vasumathi Yoga
If benefics occupy the upachayas (03, 06, 10 and 11) either from the
ascendant or from the Moon, this goes under Vasumathi Yoga. This
indicates the person will not be dependant but will always command
plenty of wealth.
Vesi Yoga
If planets other than the moon occupy the 2nd from the Sun, Vesi Yoga
is formed. This indicates the person will be fortunate, happy, virtuous,
famous and aristocratic. If malefics occupy the 2nd from the Sun,
papaves is caused while subhavesi is given rise to by the presence of
benefic planets.
Vasi Yoga
Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th from the Sun gives
rise to vasi Yoga. This indicates the subject will be happy, prosperous,
liberal, and favourite of the ruling classes. Here also Papa and Subha
Vasi Yogas are also formed.
Panchamahapurusha Yoga
(i) Malavi Yoga
Venus should occupy a quadrant which should be his own house or
exaltation sign. This indicates the person will have a well developed
physique, will be strong minded, wealthy, happy with children and wife
will possess vehicles endowed with clean sense organs and renowned and
ii Sasa Yoga
If Saturn occupies a Kendra which should be his own house or
exaltation sign. This indicates the native will have many servants. His
character will be questionable he will be head of a village or town or
even a king, will covet other's riches and will be wicked in
iii Ruchaka Yoga
Mars should be exalted in a Kendra or occupy a Kendra which should be
his own house. This indicates the native will have good physique famous,
well-versed in ancient lore, King or an equal to a King conforming to
the traditions and customs. He will have a ruddy complexion, attractive
body, charitable disposition, wealthy, long lived and leader of an army.
iv. Bhadra Yoga
The disposition of Mercury in a Kendra which should be identical with
his own or exaltation sign. This indicates the person will have a
lion-like face, well developed chest, well proportioned limbs will be
taciturn, will help relatives and will live upto a good old age.
v. Hansa Yoga
Jupiter should occupy a Kendra which should be his own house or
exalted sign. This indicates his legs will have the marking of conch,
lotus, fish and ankusa. He will possess handsome body, he will be liked
by others, he will be righteous in disposition and pure in mind.
Budha Aditya Yoga
If Mercury combines with the Sun the combination goes under the name
of the Budha Aditya Yoga. This indicates highly intelligent, skilful in
all works, good reputation, personal respect and surrounded by all
comforts and happiness.
Guru-Chadala Yoga
Conjunction of Jupiter with Rahu causes this yoga. Such persons
suffer poverty. They do not have peace of mind. The yoga caused by Ketu
and Jupiter helps those who are inclined to practise Yoga. They develop
suspicious nature and not likely to trust others. The effects are severe
in case of females.
Budha Aditya Yoga
If Mercury combines with the sun the combination goes under the name
of the Budha Aditya Yoga. This indicates highly intelligent, skilful in
all works, good reputation, personal respect and surrounded by all
comforts and happiness.
Lakshmi Yoga
If the lord of lagna is powerful and the Lord of the 9th occupies own
or exaltation sign identical with a Kendra or Trikona, Lakshmi Yoga is
caused. This indicates the person will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man
of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler, and
enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of life.
Ubhayachari Yoga
If planets other than the moon are present on either side of the sun
Ubhayachari is caused. This indicates the person will be an eloquent
speaker. He will have well proportioned limbs, will take delight in
everything, will be liked by all, wealthy and famous. |