Sisters Hansanie and Madhavi swimming stars of the future
by Upananda JAYASUNDERA - Kandy Sports Special Corr.
SWIMMING: Two sisters, Hansanie and Madhavi Weeratunge, students of
Mahamaya College, Kandy were rated as two of the best swimmers produced
by Mahamaya this decade. Both sisters started their swimming career at
the age of 7 years and they have swum in junior and senior levels and
become junior and senior champions for so many years.
The sisters have secured wins at the National and International Level
Meet and Hansanie's best was securing 2nd place at the 4 x 200 medley
relay at the South Asian Games held in Sri Lanka in the year 2006.
Madhavi's best performance was securing the 1st place in 50 metres and
100 metres freestyle events at the National Swimming Meet held this
Madhavi has been selected for the Sri Lanka team for the forthcoming
South Asian Games to be held in Bangladesh in the year 2010.
Hansanie got through her Advanced Level Examination with 3 'A's in
2009 and she is eligible for admission to the Engineering Faculty.
It is a rare thing to excel in studies as well as sports and Hansanie
has achieved it. Madhavi is studying in the Commerce stream at Mahamaya
and a bright student.