Timeless hairstyle
dos and don’ts
Because your face is the body
part people spend the most time looking at, if you have the wrong
hairstyle you’ll look ridiculous even in an exquisitely cut bespoke
suit. Conversely, getting a decent haircut and having a couple of
styling tricks up your sleeve will make you stand out as a handsome man
in ripped jeans and a T-shirt. Here are some timeless hairstyle dos and
don’ts every man can adopt to improve his appearance, no matter how old
he is or what he does for a living.
- Get cuts that suit your face shape
In selecting a hairstyle that will most suit your unique face type,
you need to take into account the length of your neck, the prominence of
your jawline and the size of your forehead and chin. Men with square
faces can wear both longer and shorter styles as this shape is classic
and versatile.
Round faces require cuts that play up masculinity by minimizing jaw
softness, such as a cut that has more volume on the crown than the back
and sides. If there’s a style you love or want to try out but aren’t
sure if it’s right for you, know that, ultimately, no style is
inherently wrong for your face, but you need a good barber to be able to
adapt the style to flatter your facial features.
Don’t - Ignore hair loss
A clever barber and stylist can do wonders for a balding man. Once
bald patches become inevitable, however, you basically have an option –
to go bald. If you have a fairly round head and your forehead isn’t too
large, this look can be very sexy, so wear it proudly.
Do - Figure out a way to style your hair for special occasions
When you have a job interview or a hot date and you want to kick
things up a notch in the appearance department, you need a hairstyle
that will impress.
Next time you visit your barber, get him to show you one or two
additional ways you can style your hair without too much effort --
preferably one that’s classy and one that’s a little more fun. Then go
home and spend some time learning and perfecting the techniques so that
you won’t have to worry about your hair when the important day comes.
Don’t - Think that more is more when it comes to products
One of the top mistakes guys make with their hair is piling on gel,
hairspray and other styling products. Not only will slathering your mane
in chemicals turn your head into a helmet that no girl will want to run
her hands through, but it will also make your hair brittle and
eventually destroy it.
Do - Choose a haircut that you can maintain
Your current lifestyle, the time you’ll have to spend on your hair
and your skill level when it comes to styling are all factors you should
consider in order to find a great cut that you can live with
successfully. If you’re very active, a shorter style is easier to
maintain. Likewise, if you work in a very conservative industry, a
closer-cropped ‘do is the best way to go. For cuts that require parting
techniques or hair products, ask your barber for a five-minute tutorial
to make sure you can actually reproduce his work at home.
Don’t - Buy regular dye to cover gray
Trying to camouflage gray hair with any old dye won’t work.
Effectively ridding yourself of gray and white hair can be accomplished
either by visiting a professional or by making sure the directions on
the home dye box indicate that the product was specifically formulated
to cover gray. Also, never go more than two shades lighter or darker
than the remainder of your natural color or the results will be obvious
to everyone.
- Visit a trusted barber regularly
Be a regular at a barber who cuts your hair the way you like it.
He’ll remember you if you show up every four to six weeks for a trim and
you’ll always get what you want. On the other hand, if you switch
barbers every time you get your hair cut, you increase your chances of
being dissatisfied with nearly every cut you get.
Don’t - Cut your own hair
Unless you’re a hairdresser, this experiment will always end badly.
Also, if your girlfriend is not a hairdresser, don’t let her cut your
hair either unless you’re looking for a catalyst to a nasty argument or
you’ve been searching for a way to get rid of her. Only let skilled
professionals near your head with a sharp instrument.
Avoid hairy situations
You don’t necessarily need to splurge on visits to fancy gentlemen’s
salons or stock up on designer hair products to get healthy, manageable
hair that looks and feels amazing, but you do need to adhere to a few
basic rules. Follow these tips and enviably good-looking hair will be
yours forever.
- Askmen.com