Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 24 January 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

The Greatest Betrayal – 6:

History repeats

West behind moves for regime change

Fonseka with LTTE leaders

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Cicero Marcus Tullius - Born on January 3, 106 BC - 43 BC

The incumbent President is being challenged by a joint opposition candidate.

This election was about who loves the motherland more and this is why it is strange that the tenderness that patriotism ought to inspire is conspicuously absent and that the ‘challenger’ has designed a campaign revolving around hatred and vengeance and coloured by the most uncouth of language.

Sarath Fonseka’s first salvo came disguised through a blatant lie. It was about the white flags and orders to kill, triggering conjecture about a possible international war crimes tribunal against the Government and the valiant Armed Forces.

Deals and treason

Fonseka’s unsubstantiated story, supposedly told to him by an embedded reporter, is strange since he admits to being absent from the battleground during the last stages of the war. These statements clearly appear to be linked to long-term plans of elements in the West opposed to Sri Lanka and partial to the LTTE to take our military before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Why would Fonseka, who was one time the Commander of the Army, make such utterances that could lead his troops and our leaders to be tried in absentia in the ICJ in the Hague?

Let us look at how the West has done such things in the past. They were determined to break up the state of Yugoslavia as part of NATO’s strategic interests and carve out a separate state for a tiny Albanian minority in Kosovo.

Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of Serbia and Yugoslavia (1989 to 2000) was a classic pawn in the NATO game of war crimes.

A false holocaust created by the West with the help of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Kosovo led to the trial of Milosevic by the “International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”. He was charged with having perpetrated crimes against humanity, violating laws or war, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and alleged genocide for his role in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

Milosevic was forced to resign in 2000 and then arrested six months later on suspicion of corruption, abuse of power and embezzlement and handed over to the west to stand trial by a Tribunal created by the UN Security Council.

Initial investigations failed due to lack of evidence by the prosecution which prompted Milosevic to be sent to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes. Milosevic conducted his own defence. The trial that lasted 5 years ended without a verdict upon Milosevic’s death in the War Criminal Prison in the Hague.

The example of Milosevic and Yugoslavia will showcase the manner Sri Lanka itself is likely to be destabilised.

The build-up to ICJ hearing with American Congress hearings and the illegal Dublin trial are all clear indications of things to come, never mind the double-standards of these ‘judges’ who are happy to turn a blind eye to the transgressions of Western countries.

There are no moves whatsoever to rap the USA and Britain for invading Iraq on the pretext of neutralising the threat of weapons of mass destruction. It has now been determined that both nations did not have any proof of such weapons existing and indeed are yet to come across a single piece of weaponry that was capable of ‘mass destruction’ years after the invasion.

We have to keep in mind also that with the releasing of 10,000 LTTE cadres as proposed by Fonseka, it is likely that the LTTE will be resurrected and thereby make way for renewed meddling by the West.

Fonseka is also believed to have signed a secret deal with the TNA which for all intents and purposes would concede part of Sri Lanka’s sovereign land to a TNA-led ‘administration’ (according to coalition-partner Rauff Hakeem) or Eelam in not so many words.

All calls to disclose the details of such a deal publicly have fallen on deaf ears. He instead has preferred to duck these issues by making irrelevant and extraneous statements like saying he will never divide the country, and this while talking about the merger of the North and East at the same time. Not dividing the country but merging the two provinces have different connotations altogether.

The Sampanthan faction of the TNA only mirrors the requirements of the pro-LTTE sections abroad now led by Rudrakumaran who need to promise the dream of Eelam to get the Tamils living overseas to fill their kitty.

Furthermore, they would like to see the legitimisation of their Transnational Government in the long-term for the long-term survival of their political program. Fonseka’s deal with the TNA would provide a perfect foundation for this plan.

Some hold the view that voting a candidate who has little political experience and therefore depends on advice of political parties that are themselves desperate, will eventually lead to external interference in Sri Lanka of an unprecedented scale since most of these political parties function under dictates of foreign governments anyway.

This fear is clearly evident in the manner in which Western countries are now assisting Fonseka’s election campaign. This interference in Sri Lanka’s domestic electoral process as well as Fonseka promises to stop Chinese Exim bank financed projects like the Norochcholai power plant clearly point in the direction of this hidden Western hand.

The dangerous forces behind the SF candidature

The public must also be aware of and moreover be concerned about the forces that are rallying behind Fonseka’s candidature.

We are all aware that the Chandrika-Ranil duo and their cahoots have been attempting to promote ethnic-based federalism in Sri Lanka and this has been largely supported by the INGO mafia who reflect the interests of the West.

Their “solution” was initially based on the assumption that the war was “unwinnable” and now their theory is based on the notion of “aspirations” as is being actively promoted by the West.

Chandrika Kumaratunga in an interview given to The Hindu on Dec. 19, 1998 states, “The other great achievement is that, for the first time, the Sri Lankan Government has consciously and honestly accepted that Sri Lanka does not need to be a unitary state.” A report on the decisions reached by the LTTE and the then Ranil Wickremesinghe government at talks on March 21, 2003 states ‘the parties reiterated their commitment to develop a federal system based on self-determination.....” and adds, “As the point of departure for planning how to give effect to the general principles of federalism in a final settlement of the ethnic conflict, the parties discussed the essential elements of fiscal federalism.”

The US and the other Co-Chairs have consistently emphasised the point that there is NO “military solution” to the conflict possible and have constantly pressurised the Sri Lankan government to talk to the LTTE no matter what the provocation or threat to national security was. A statement from the Co-chairs in 2006 highlights this further. They stated that “It must immediately prevent groups based in its territory from carrying out violence and acts of terrorism. (This was referring to the GOSL side and not the LTTE side) ...ensure violators are prosecuted”. “It must show that it is ready to make the dramatic political changes to bring about a new system of governance.........”

All these statements were gradual paving the way for a regime change towards achieving the goal of Eelam.

They went on to say that “the international community will support such steps; failure to take such steps will diminish international support.” Blatant interference in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka by Western diplomats continued and continues unabated even today.

Take for example a statement by the former UK High Commissioner Dominic Chilcott. While delivering the Dudley Senanayake Memorial Lecture on December 10 he said, “I am not saying that the political aspiration for Eelam is illegitimate”.

Perhaps once again Ranil Wickremesinghe hoped to do what he is best at, at the press conference on January 22, 2010 at 12:30 at Cambridge Place, i.e. cry at the feet of foreign diplomats.

This is probably why the notorious “Medawachchiya-Pamankada” types are secretly asking diplomats to fill up slips to confirm participation. Or perhaps it is about the JVP-backed militant takeover they want to brief them about?

We must always remember the greater scheme of things where the Western diplomatic machinery attempted to block the post-war economic recovery of Sri Lanka to facilitate regime change.

They did so by undermining tourism (by issuing negative travel warnings), trying to block the IMF loan to Sri Lanka citing the ill-treatment of IDPs and human rights concerns and by applying pressure on Sri Lanka by lobbying against Sri Lanka from getting a seat on the UNHRC in 2008: The financing and open recognition was given by the Western Governments and media groups which marketed the ‘ethnic problem’ of Sri Lanka in line with the West’s game plan. These INGOs are once again doing the necessary ground work for their masters’ plans of a regime change, separatism, and ICJ war crimes hearings against Sri Lanka.

They are subtly involved in convincing the outside world of the existence of an evil regime in Sri Lanka.

Another glaring example would be the fact that Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran is openly allowed to live in the West despite his deep-rooted ties to the LTTE. At a press conference in Colombo recently, Robert Blake stated that Rudrakumaran was not part of the LTTE but a moderate and eminent leader of the Tamils of the world. He, no doubt, is keeping one of his crooked eyes on the Presidential Election, the TNA agreement to follow under their auspices and setting the ground for Fonseka to sign it.

All this was in Feb. 2009 after the fall of Mullaitivu at a time certain outside forces were making plans to invade Sri Lanka to save the LTTE leadership.

Certain Western Forces continued to offer safe passage for the LTTE leaders. After the end of the war Western countries attempted unsuccessfully to get a resolution passed through the UNHRC at a special session in which they called for the investigation of alleged war crimes with the aim of punishing Sri Lanka for defying western dictates and pressure. After the war they were threatening to withdraw the GSP+ concession, citing the lack of progress on human rights.

Fonseka says he will get the GSP+ back and from the above stated facts it is not rocket science to figure out how he is going to do that and what kind of backing he can count on to deliver.

The attempt to force Sri Lanka to allow foreign monitors and then foreign investigators to investigate allegations of war crimes and the attempt to invoke the R2P doctrine to bring in foreign troops are all part of the grand plan to obtain regime change and putting in power a stooge.

The attempt by the US Homeland Security Department to question Fonseka while he, as the CDS, was visiting the US, to implicate Sri Lanka’s Secretary of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is clearly indicative of the their long-term designs on Sri Lanka.

Currently, all attempts are being made to use Fonseka’s allegations against Secretary of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and Maj. General Shavendra Silva to initiate a war crimes investigation as we spoke of earlier.

Fonseka, being the vindictive man that he is, is quite capable of ‘cooperating’ fully with this process by the West to frame our war heroes whom he detests.

The common Tamil man on the ground in the North and the East has no interest in this failed political ideology anymore.

Their children’s lives suffered, education suffered, their own lives and livelihood suffered all on account of the brand of Tamil nationalism touted by political parties like the TNA and the Rudrakumaran-led LTTE Diaspora overseas. Neither they nor the rest of the country can afford the machinations of power hungry politicians or western powers. The Fonseka-TNA pact, if it sees concrete form, will ensure the LTTE’s resurgence. It will no doubt engender another devastating civil war.

Polarisation of political forces

We see a clear alignment of political forces here. Those who spoke for peace talks with the LTTE all the time as per the wishes of their foreign masters are all now behind the main opposition candidate Sarath Fonseka, while forces concerned about the long term interests of Sri Lanka are rallying solidly behind Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Unfortunately the elitist “Colombans” still think that the world is dominated by the West and are quite happy to be servile and subservient to these powers.

They do not believe in the capability of the native sons of the soil who successfully defeated the LTTE to chart a course for Sri Lanka that is best suited for its people. One needs to ponder whether the “Colomban voters” are familiar with Fareed Zakaria’s ‘The Post-Americanism World’.

Unfortunately they have always voted with their hands in their pockets and thoughts on their stomachs rather than the country, just like a herd of salivating hyenas waiting for what is left behind by the bigger carnivores.

Opposing them would be the rural peasantry who rose to the occasion and gave their sons to save the nation. For them, the 26th affords yet another opportunity to rise against an invader and his local agent(s). As for Fonseka, the following says it all.

O that a soldier so glorious, ever victorious in fight,

Passed from a daylight of honour into the terrible night;

Fell as the mighty archangel, ere the earth glowed in space, Fell

Fell from the patriot’s heaven down to the loyalist’s hell!

- The Battle of New Orleans by Thomas Dunn English

Courtesy: Asian Tribune

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