Diaspora should help establish sustainable peace in Sri Lanka - ICG
International Crisis Group (ICG), an independent non-governmental
organization based in Brussels - with a branch in Colombo - in its
latest report has strongly urged the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora to
jettison once and for all the failed Tamil Eelam agenda of the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and instead put their energies
into the quest for a sustainable and just peace in a united Sri Lanka,
reported the Hindu.
In its 29 page report titled ‘The Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora after the
LTTE’ released simultaneously in Colombo and Brussels, the ICG is blunt
in its assertion that after 26 years of exhaustion from the war, an
overwhelming majority of Sri Lankan Tamils have no stomach at the moment
for return to militant politics.
However, in total contrast among the Diaspora, only a minority are
happy over the military defeat of the LTTE and still continue to dream
of Tamil Eelam that has virtually no domestic or international backing.
It strongly urges Sri Lanka to address the legitimate grievances at
the root of the conflict: the political marginalization and physical
insecurity of most Tamils in Sri Lanka while asking the international
community to pressure Sri Lanka much more strongly for political and
constitutional reforms.
“Donors should insist that money given to redevelop the north and
east is tied closely to the demilitarisation and democratisation of the
region. This should include giving Tamils and Muslims a meaningful role
in determining the future of the areas where they have long been the
majority. Donor governments and the United Nations must also insist on
an independent investigation into the thousands of Tamil civilians
killed in the final months of fighting in 2009.”
The report refers to a series of the so-called referendums held by
sections of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in parts of Europe seeking
views of those outside Sri Lanka on whether they are still committed to
Eelam and says that until it moves on from its separatist, pro-LTTE
ideology, the Diaspora is unlikely to play a useful role supporting a
just and sustainable peace in Sri Lanka.
The report examines political dynamics within the Tamil Diaspora
since May 2009, as Tamils abroad adapt to the LTTE’s defeat and also
looks at the potential for new forms of militancy within the Diaspora,
especially among the younger generations, radicalised by the deaths of
thousands of Tamil civilians in the final months of the war.
“While there is little chance of the Tamil Tigers regrouping in the
Diaspora, most Tamils abroad remain profoundly committed to a separate
state of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka. “New Diaspora initiatives attempt to
carry forward the struggle for an independent state in more transparent
and democratic ways, but they must repudiate the LTTE’s violent
methods,” says Robert Templer, Crisis Group’s Asia Program Director.
“And they must also recognise the LTTE’s separatist agenda is out of
step with the wishes and needs of Tamils in Sri Lanka.”
The report says most Tamils in the island nation are more concerned
with rebuilding their lives under difficult circumstances than in
continuing the fight for an independent state and without the LTTE to
enforce a common political line, Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka are
proposing substantial reforms within a united Sri Lanka.
The report says for the past quarter-century the Tamil Diaspora has
shaped the Sri Lankan political landscape through its financial and
ideological support to the military struggle for an independent Tamil
It surmises that the May 2009 defeat of the LTTE has dramatically
reduced the Diaspora’s influence, though majority of Tamils outside Sri
Lanka continue to support a separate state, and the Diaspora’s money can
ensure it plays a role in the country’s future.
“The nature of that role, however, depends largely on how Colombo
deals with its Tamil citizens in the coming months and on how strongly
the international community presses the government to enact
constitutional reforms to share power with and protect the rights of
Tamils and other minorities.
While the million-strong Diaspora cannot regenerate an insurgency in
Sri Lanka on its own, its money and organisation could turn up the
volume on any violence that might eventually re-emerge.”
“A minority in the community is happy the LTTE is gone, since it
directed much of its energy to intimidating and even killing those
Tamils who challenged their rule. Funding networks established by the
LTTE over decades are seriously weakened but still in place.
There is little chance, however, of the Tigers regrouping in the
Diaspora. LTTE leaders in Sri Lanka are dead or captured and its
overseas structures are in disarray. Clinging to the possibility of
victory long after defeat was inevitable and damaged the LTTE’s
credibility and weakened its hold on the community.”
The report says that unwilling to recognise the scale of defeat, and
continuing to believe an independent state is possible, however, many
Diaspora leaders have dismissed Tamil politicians on the island either
as traitors for working with the government or as too weak or scared to
stand up for their people’s rights.
It acknowledges that many among the Diaspora now reluctantly
recognise the need for new forms of struggle, even if they would still
prefer the LTTE fighting and new organisations have formed that are
operating in more transparent and democratic ways.
Courtesy: The Hindu