A doctor’s dilemma and the gift of life
by Ben Corea
In the grand old city of New
York, a great musical concert was held. The chief quest was a famous
doctor, Martell by name, a great lover of music.
Long before the commencement the large hall was packed to capacity.
The shimmering red curtains parted revealing a beautiful young girl
seated in front of a grand piano.
The music began, sublime and enthralling, flooding the entire hall,
captivating the hearts of one and all. At the end of it she turned very
quietly to bow to the large audience. The applause was a thundering show
of appreciation to her supreme delight.
he chief guest was emotionally moved and expressed his wish to meet
the young lady, but was informed that she could not come since both her
feet were badly malformed from birth. The doctor then walked up to the
stage and warmly congratulated her and asked for her name. “Petranella”
she replied.
He stood aghast silent for a few moments, and inquired from her
whether she was born at the John Hopkin Hospital. Being answered in the
affirmative he seemed unable to hold back the tears that rushed in to
his eyes, as her reply had flung open the gates of his long lost memory
of twenty two years, when he took up his first appointment as a young
doctor at the John Hopkin Hospital, and was called to deliver a baby as
the senior doctor was not in.
The baby girl delivered, beside being much feeble had her tiny feet
irreparably malformed, and would be a burden to her parents, he thought
and for a split second the agonizing thought of stifling her life
entered his mind. However his better nature prevailed and he let her
breathe. This was that baby. Now twenty two years later she has
blossomed into a charming young lady gifted with a golden voice and
music in her blood, a blessing to her family and a boon to society.
The doctor, a man of immaculate deep faith, calmly pondered how
unfathomable and unsearchable are the ways of the Lord and, taking both
hands of the young lady he kissed them and left the hall a happy man,
for having abided by his conscience twenty two years ago.
The hero
Ravi came home on leave as Anu
was due to give birth any and would want his support during this crucial
time. His friends were very helpful and were willing to forego their
leave so that Ravi could make use of this. They were willing to cover
for him if necessary and also take over the duties assigned to him. Ravi
joined the army four years ago and is currently based in Jaffna. He is
awaiting his transfer to Colombo which has still not taken place.
Anu and Ravi knew each other from childhood and had also studied in
campus together. Their friendship blossomed to love and they married
three years ago amidst the unrest in the country due to the war. They
were determined to be together and made up their minds that the
prevailing situation would not affect their relationship even though
they would be apart most of the while.
avi felt that it was unfair of him to marry Anu thinking that she
might end up being a widow but he loved her deeply and could not think
of a life without her. Her love and determination to marry only him
under any circumstance was so strong, she never considered such matters
even though he pointed out them to her. They live with his parents in
Colombo and are expecting their first child. Ravi has mixed feelings of
happiness and fear thinking if life would be the same as before and how
he would cope as a father.
He wonders whether it is luck or fate that he is still alive. He
recalls the times when he could have easily lost his life the way some
of his close friends have lost theirs. And feels that maybe God has
other plans for him, after all destinies cannot be changed by anyone. He
thinks of the battlefront, the continuous fighting and their reaction to
he sound of shells falling around him and helpless people screaming
still echoes in his ears. He thinks of all the wounded, disfigured
children who are victims of the war deprived of love and affection as
some of them are orphaned refugees. He hears the unbearable lamenting of
the mothers when they see their children wounded or dead and feels the
pain and agony within them.
He really wonders if people living away from the war zone know what
really goes on and what every soldier feels? His parents are very proud
of him and his father would boast about him to everyone he meets. Is all
the praise and pageantry necessary when they come home or go back,
especially when a life is at stake? Does Anu or his parents ever think
that they might not see him the next time or else are they also
pretending to live this way because they cannot bear to face facts like
the way he does?
He thinks of his baby and what the baby’s destiny would be as he
wants his child to have everything! Hoping that the baby would be a boy
he dreams of playing with his son and being there for him whenever he
wants his dad.
nu and his parents have been pillars of strength and also have
supported him in every way. He thinks of the times when he could not
bear it anymore and would call Anu late at night just to speak to her,
hear her voice and get out of his depression and preserve his sanity.
The same way Anu used to call just to speak to him or even cry about a
trivial matter as she misses him.
Ravi knows that death cannot be avoided and has to be faced by all
when the time comes. Death due to illness, accidents and murders take
place all the time. No one has the power to stop dying or delay it as
everybody has their turn.
e finally realizes that life cannot be what a person plans it be and
all depends on fate and destiny with the proper choices made by us. so
he thinks of doing his best towards his family, being supportive towards
his wife at this crucial time. He wants the best for his child, gives
all the love and care needed in everyway he could so that he would not
regret later. Maybe this is what God planned for him, so he cannot
change it.
- Saffiya