Fishermen turn poachers
by Ananda Kannangara
The misuse of ocean resources by fishermen has caused massive
destruction to the marine life and its environment was highlighted at a
meeting at the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources last week.
According to Ministry statistics many people whose livelihood is
fishing are in the habit of using unauthorised nets and also using
"Although, there were rules and regulations to ban this system of
fishing in the country, many fishermen ignore it and as a result this
has now become a threat to the marine environment, Director, Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources Ministry, S.W. Pathirana told the Sunday Observer.
He said people who are not regular fishermen catch ornamental fish
and lobsters with eggs without permission from the Ministry.
He said last year around 950 cases of misusing ocean resources were
taken up before Magistrate's Court and the Ministry collected Rs.
400,000 as fines.