Muslims celebrate Prophet Muhammad's birthday:
Prophet - a blessed gift to mankind
by Mohammed NAALIR
Muhammad (Sal) was born in Mecca in the Arabian peninsula nearly 1500
years ago as a blessed gift to mankind at a time when vices and cruelty
were deeply rooted in that society. There was no room for humanitarian
activities in that barbaric society.
The emergence of Prophet Muhammad caused a huge renovation in that
society prevalent with cruelty and vices. Prophet Muhammad converted the
desert into a beautiful garden with fragrant flowers.
After he became Prophet Muhammad (Sal) the women and female children
got similar status equal to the male. Prophet Muhammad (Sal) laid a
strong foundation for a well-mannered society as well as implemented
them perfectly.
When Prophet Muhammad (Sal) turned forty he was designated a prophet
by Allah via the leader of the Messenger Gabriel. From the prophecy,
Allah revealed the Al-Quran from time to time according to the necessity
for twenty-three years. The Quran was not revealed at once according to
the situation Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Sal) as small versions
and chapters.
No prophet was sent to the world by Allah between the era of Jesus
Christ and Prophet Muhammad (Sal) to guide mankind. According to the Al-Quran
the gap is 500 years. The people of this era were fighting with each
other fatally. They slayed one another without any mercy or simple
reasons. Five hundred years after Jesus Christ Prophet Muhammad (Sal)
was sent to the world as the final messenger of Allah. According to the
Al-Quran no prophet will emerge in the world after Prophet Muhammad
(Sal). The era between Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad (Sal) is called
`the era of' Fithna (confusion).
Aiyamul Jahiliya
By the time Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was born in the Arabian peninsula
barbarism was more prevalent than humanitarianism. There was no
harmonious relationship between the people. They lived according to the
dictates of their mind. There was hardly any relationship between
parents and children. Wives, relatives, children, brothers and sisters
and neighbours did not enjoy those relations. They spent their lives
without any aim. They gave prominence to liquor and vice which led
towards destruction. The people in Aiyamul Jahiliya (era of darkness)
venerated idols, sans any religion. The era before the emergence of
Prophet Muhammad (Sal) is called "Aiyamul Jahiliya" which means the era
of darkness. They were intellectually blind. They were not aware of
religion. This is the prime cause for this word to be used for the then
Arabians. Even though they were genius in architecture and composing
poems they had strayed from the correct path.
Compared to the male, the woman had no rights during the Aiyamul
Jahiliya era. All fundamental rights of the women had been violated. The
birth of baby girls were considered as a shame to the family and
society. If it was a male baby they celebrated it as a big festival.
According to them the birth of a male child will protect their
generation. Until the era of Prophet Muhammad (Sal) female children were
considered a misery of the family. They thought female children could do
nothing for them. They used to bury the female children alive without
any mercy. If they suspected it may be a female child they cut the
abdomen of the mother.
The then Arabians buried the female children while alive
barbarically. This was the usual practice before the emergence of
Prophet Muhammad (Sal).
Did not live amicably
For simple reasons they launched war with other tribes. Even-though
they were neighbours they did not live amicably. According to history
they waged war against other tribes for hundreds of years to show their
family pride and revenge for a prior incident. Wars took place on the
basis of family and on the basis of tribes. The crude mentality of those
people were protected and was passed on to next generation. One who was
defeated by another tribe would direct his son to revenge that tribe.
This was the usual practice in that era. The mentality of the community
continued from generation to generation.
Prophet Muhammad's family was the only family which lived within a
well-mannered way without becoming addicted to bad habits. That was the
prime reason Prophet Muhammad's family was selected for the birth of a
Holy prophet. Before the emergence of Prophet Muhammad (Sal), Allah
protected Prophet Muhammad's family for 21 generations from idolatry.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was born as the son of Abdullah. He lost
his father even before his birth and lost mother Amina during childhood.
At the age of eight Prophet Muhammad (Sal) lost his grandfather who
tended him. After his demise the Prophets uncle Aboothalib looked after
Prophet Muhammad (Sal).
During the Islamic propaganda Prophet Muhammad (Sal) faced several
obstacles caused by the then Aiyamul Jahiliya era citizens. He was
subjected to untold torture and trials.
There was a custom among the Arabians to give another woman to give
breast milk to the child. Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was given to Mother
Haleemathul Sahdiya, a weak woman. She was in poor health to breast-feed
Muhammad. By the grace of the Almighty, no sooner she mothered the child
Muhammad she became a healthy woman and the camel she came on also
became strong. The new authors also described this as a miracle which
occurred that after the birth of Prophet Muhammad (Sal).
Allah had given five special privileges to Prophet Muhammad (Sal)
which were not given to earlier prophets. The first privilege was that
he could consume the Ganeemath things (left by the enemies during the
war), Appearing for Ummahs for their release from the hell at the
Mahshar ground after the death, prayers can be conducted in any place of
the world if it is a clean place, Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was the only
prophet sent to the entire world and he was the final one in the
succession of the prophets as the gift to mankind.
Show correct path
Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was sent to the world as a messenger of Allah
to show the correct path to the then intellectually blind society. By
showing the correct path to a blind person Prophet Muhammad has shown
the correct and proper way to us. He introduced Allah to all. He
preached that saying Lailaha illallahu Muhammadurrasoolullah. Then you
will triumph in this world and the life after the death.
The Arabians condemned Prophet Muhammad (Sal) in various ways to stop
his islamic propaganda. They taunted prophet Muhammad (Sal). Despite
their criticism Prophet Muhammad did not stop preaching Islam. The
Prophet invited all to accept Islam saying that Kalimah which is the
oath of accepting the Almighty and Prophet Muhammad as the messenger of
Despite the problems and attacks Prophet Muhammad (Sal) approached
the people and preached about Allah and Islam in a non violent way.
When Prophet Muhammad (Sal) invited the people towards Islam Abujahl
carried out anti-propaganda against Prophet saying don't believe him, he
is lying the Prophet was calling Jannah (Heaven) but Abujahl was calling
the people towards the abyss. Amidst such difficulties Prophet carried
out the Dhawa campaign. At the very outset thirtynine persons accepted
Islam saying the Kalima that Allah is our God and Prophet Muhammad (Sal)
as the messenger of Allah.
Aboobakkar (Rali) was the first male who accepted Islam and Mother
Kadeeja was the first woman who embraced Islam. Ali ibnu Abuthalib was
the first child who accepted Islam.
While Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was engaged in introducing Allah to the
people those who did not accept Islam decided to kill the Prophet in his
home. They made arrangements to kill the prophet. Prophet Muhammad (Sal)
on the directive of Allah and considered Madina as a suitable place to
carry out Islamic propaganda. He went on Hijrath to Medina and
Aboobakkar (a friend of Prophet Muhammad (Sal) accompanied him. Later
the people in Mekka also embraced Islam realising this fact.
The entire Arabian peninsula was brought under one umbrella of Islam
which is the only means to go to heaven.
He stressed the value of Allah on their minds. Prophet Muhammad said
"I have left two things Al-Quran and Al-Hadees (the preaching,
activities and recognition of Prophet Muhammad (Sal) with you as long as
you follow it you will not be misled". |