Evolution of constitutional reforms in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka which has a recorded history of over 2,500 years was ruled
by a large number of kings and a handful of queens in the past till it
became a colony of the British Empire with the fall of the Kandyan
Kingdom in 1815. However, prior to this, there had been two invasions by
the Portuguese and the Dutch in 1505 and 1656 who conquered only the
maritime provinces of the country.
Colonial Government reforms
Donoughmore |
Lord Soulbury |
D.S. Senanayake |
Sirimavo Bandaranaike |
J.R. Jayewardena |
Mahinda Rajapaksa |
A few years after British rule, the then Governor of Ceylon Sir
Robert Brownrig wanted to streamline the internal administration and
introduced the Colbrooke-Cameron reforms in 1828 by which a number of
significant changes were put in place in the administrative structure of
the government. At the beginning all powers were centered around the
Governor and he was the sole authority representing the King of England.
With the introduction of the Colbrooke-Cameron recommendations, the
executive, judicial and legislative powers were divided and the Supreme
Court was set up under a charter of justice for the smooth functioning
of justice and fairplay of its citizens.
British rulers governed our country under the Colbrooke-Cameron
reforming for many years with minor adjustments over certain issues.
There were drastic changes in the social, cultural, educational,
economic and religious spheres with the prolonged British administration
in the country.
Post independence
However, with the passage of time Sinhalese politicians were not very
happy over the functions of the Executive Council on which Colonial
officials enjoyed predominance that was responsible for governing
Ceylon. The Sinhalese politicians were also not happy with the
composition of the Legislative Council, the island's principal
law-making body which had considerable authority over the public purse.
The Sinhalese leaders disliked it because it excluded them from
executive authority and because of an over-representation of
Donoughmore reforms
The unhappiness which the constitution engendered led to the
announcement in April 1927 that a special committee would be appointed
to prepare new constitutional reforms.One of the main concerns of the
commission which was handled by Lord Donoughmore was the possible
extension of franchise to men and women over 21 years of age for which
some of the Ceylon National congressmen had their reservations.
The only people who advocated universal franchise were A.E.
Goonesinghe and two British residents of Ceylon. They also proposed the
merger of the executive and legislative roles within a single state
council of 6 members, to last for a term of five years. Sixty members
were to be elected from the electorates.
A major gain for the previously under represented Sinhalese, while
eight were nominated by the Governor to give adequate representation to
the minorities. A further three members were to be the Officers of State
in charge of executive portfolios which were excluded from non official
control, Finance, Justice, Public Services, Defence and External
Some of the new provisions enshrined in the Donoughmore report were
borrowed from the London country council.
The Governor's powers were increased to balance those of the State
Council. His right to enact legislation for the Royal assent was
extended to cover several new types of bills. He was also empowered to
suspend decisions of Executive committees in these same areas and he
retained control of matters concerning civil servants.
Although the British rulers governed the country enacting Donoughmore
recommendations for sometime the progressive forces of the day were not
fully satisfied with the system and repeatedly stated the importance of
obtaining more powers in administrative affairs of the country.
Ceylon National Congress
There were prominent local politicians in the state council such as
D.S. Senanayake, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, J.R. Jayewardene, Dr. N.M.
Perera and Sir D.B. Jayathilake.In the meantime, the Ceylon National
Congress was a formidable force to be reckoned with since most of its
members were active and foresighted in the State Council who represented
different districts and different sections of the society.
It was the era when the freedom struggle was gaining ground in India
for self-government and it had a direct impact on our country as well.
Since the Ceylon National Congress had a close rapport with Indian
freedom fighters.The politicians of the day, irrespective of differences
called upon the British rulers to grant the country self-autonomy since
the people are quite confident of looking after their affairs.
Eventually it came to a stage where the almighty Monarch had to heed
the people's request and appointed Lord Soulbury to make recommendations
with regard to the internal administration of Ceylon.
Birth of Soulbury Constitution
However, the British Government refused to undertake the drafting of
a constitution in the midst of World War II since they were very busy
and D.S. Senanayake, the then Chairman of the Board of Ministers
appointed B.P. Peiris, Assistant Legal Draftsman to draft the new
The 1946 constitution which B.P. Peiris drafted and named Soulbury
Constitution was the best that Sri Lanka yet had according to some
political analysts. It was the model that the British Government used
when it began dismantling its far-flung colonial empire. It had no
ideological basis, and professed no economic or social objectives. It
was only concerned with establishing the essential framework for
democratic governance.
It did so by creating the principal institutions and defining their
powers a constitutional head of State, a Parliament comprising two
chambers, a Cabinet of Ministers headed by a Prime Minister charged with
the general direction and control of government and collectively
responsible to parliament, Permanent Secretaries charged with exercising
supervision over the departments of government subjects to the general
direction and control of the relevant Ministers, Security for tenure of
judges of the Supreme Court, Judicial Service Commission and a Public
Service Commission, the Consolidated Fund, Contingencies Fund, and an
Auditor General.
Under the 1946 constitution it was possible for both right wing and
left or centre political parties to be elected to office and form them
to implement their respective programs unhindered. It was possible for
the free market and regulated economies to be practised. The
parliamentary executive system of government it provided was strong
enough to withstand the youth insurrection in 1971. It was also flexible
for a government that had lost its popularity to be removed either by a
parliamentary vote of no confidence or through defeat at a general
The separation of powers was an inherent feature of the constitution
and judges exercised the power of judicial review of legislative and
executive action. Under this constitution people in the country enjoyed
a quarter century of relative tranquillity, stable government and
generally respect for individual rights and freedom.
First Republican constitution
The country was governed by six national leaders under the Soulbery
constitution from its introduction and in 1972 the SLFP Government of
Sirimavo Bandaranaike introduced the non-executive Presidential form of
government. The official name of the country was changed to Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and Parliament too renamed National
State Assembly and parliamentarians became the members of the National
State Assembly with the bicameral legislature becoming unicameral.
Another major significant change relating to judiciary was that the
right to appeal to the Privy Council was done away with.
Second republican constitution
Alleging that the 1972 constitution did not have adequate checks and
balances and similar drawbacks, President Jayewardene lost no time in
introducing his brainchild, The first Executive Presidential
constitution of 1978 which is still in force. However, of all subsequent
amendments to the constitution, the most controversial 13th Amendment
provided for devolution of power to the periphery via the network of
Provincial Councils. The United National Party headed by its three
leaders, namely J.R., Premadasa and Wijetunga ruled the country under
the umbrella of the 1978 constitution till 1994.
Meanwhile, the Opposition led by the SLFP which were crusading
against the dictatorial nature of the constitution, referred to at times
as JR's Bahubootha Viwasthawa by President Chandrika Bandaranaike
conducted an islandwide campaign to abolish the constitution and
introduce a more democratic and people friendly constitution to the
country if voted to power.
However, she too governed the country for two consecutive terms and
no effective action was initiated to abolish or make any change in the
President Mahinda Rajapaksa who took over the reins of government in
2005 said he would abolish the draconian constitution for which the
ground work is being prepared.
The 1978 constitution is very strong in character and has so far
weathered many a storm. Hence, the country is anxiously waiting for the
final outcome of the reforms, that would be introduced by President
Mahinda Rajapaksa Government. |