What tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons and
cyclones are

A hurricane |

A tornado |
A twisting storm funnel, about 100 metres wide with winds inside it
that could reach speeds of 350km/h is known as a tornado.
A torando moves in a straight line across land. Tornadoes are common
on the Great Plains of North America. Did you know that at the centre or
'eye' of a tornado is an area of pressure so low that it can cause
buildings to explode?
Storms that form over the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons and ones
that occur over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones. Recently we were
on alert over such a cyclone named Laila which was due to hit our
shores. However, we escaped its wrath but India became a victim.
Hurricanes are devastating. They are also storms but are more
powerful than the storms we experience in our part of the world.
Hurricanes form over tropical waters in the Atlantic.
What acid rain is
the very mention of the word may make some people nervous because the
recent rainfall caused havoc in our country, flooding many areas. Acid
rain is not like the normal rainfall we experience. It is harmful. Acid
rain is formed when burning fossil fuels release sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen dioxide into the air. When these two mix with water, a weak
acid is formed and this eventually falls as 'acid rain.'
Acid rain does not fall always near the place the pollution occurs.
It can fall far from the point of pollution. Acid rain kills many trees
and acidifies rivers and lakes, harming wildlife. We can help reduce the
problem of acid rain by reducing our use of fossil fuels.
binocular vision is
The field of vision directly ahead of you is known as binocular
vision. The better it is, the easier it is to judge the size and
distance of objects.
Owls have superb binocular vision among birds because they have eyes
at the front of the head. Most birds have eyes on the sides. They have
good all round vision to spot enemies, but very poor binocular vision. A
Tawny owl may have binocular vision up to 60-70 percent but a Robin will
have only about 10-30 per cent.
Yin and Yang are
It was a strong belief of the Chinese people that everything in
nature was in harmony. Confucious, the great chinese philosopher
depicted this by the Yin and Yang symbol. The dark Yin interlocks with
the light Yang and each one contains a tiny bit of the other.
designed the famous sail-like roof
Architect Jorn Utzon from Denmark designed the roof of the Opera
House in Sydney Harbour to resemble wind-filled sails. The main roof was
made from concrete segments covered with thousands of ceremic tiles. It
took 15 years to build it. The Sydney Opera House was completed in 1973.
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