Why the goddess of love is in a
Scientists think they may have solved one of the great mysteries of
the Solar System: why the winds on Venus blow faster than the planet's
rotation? Venus rotates once every 243 Earth days, but it takes just 4
Earth days for clouds in the Venusian atmosphere to go all the way round
the planet at speeds of 200 metres per second.
phenomenon, known as superrotation, is only known to commonly occur on
Venus and the Saturnian moon Titan.Astrophysicists have long speculated
that temperature differences between the day and night time sides of
Venus is what drives these winds. The viscosity (thickness) of Venus's
atmosphere should be enough to dissipate this energy and slow the winds
down.But that's not happening, so something else must be injecting
energy into the system to keep things going as fast as they seem to be.
Now a team of scientists led by Hector Javier Durand-Manterola from
the UniversidadNacional Autonoma de Mexico says the winds are being
driven by another much faster wind flow, higher above the planet.

Reporting in the physics blog ArXiv.com Durand-Manterola says winds
in the ionosphere between 150 and 800 kilometres above the surface play
an important role in superrotation.
These ionic winds were discovered by the American Pioneer Venus
Orbiter in the early 1980s.Transterminator flowKnown as the
transterminator flow, the winds travel at supersonic speeds of several
kilometres per second, and are thought to be driven by the planet's
interaction with solar winds from the Sun.Durand-Manterola says the
supersonic winds in the ionosphere generate sound waves through
turbulence, which inject additional energy into the atmosphere.
The researchers say their calculations indicate the process puts in
more than enough energy to account for the amount lost due to
atmospheric viscosity.They predict the sound waves created by the energy
injection have an intensity of 84 dB.
To back up their theory, they performed a simple experiment with
water to show how the energy transfer occurs.
Venus is often called the Earth's sister planet because both are
similar in size, gravity and composition.But if Venus is our sister it's
a twisted sister.
The surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, it has a dense
carbon dioxide atmosphere with an average surface air pressure 92 times
that on Earth and a thick planetary cloud cover that rains sulfuric acid
instead of water.Australian planetary scientist Dr Andrew Prentice from
Melbourne's Monash University says the new research makes "interesting
reading" but was surprised that data from the Venus Express mission
wasn't included in the work.
Prentice says he's looking forward to seeing peer review of the paper
and finds it interesting that this mechanism hasn't been considered
before. Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft, which was launched on an H-2A
rocket from the Tanegashima Space Centre south of Tokyo a few days ago,
is now on its way to Venus.When it arrives in December, it may help
provide a few answers to this enduring mystery.
Courtesy; News in Science
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