My Sunflower
In a literary point of view, it
has been the most coincidental happening in my life so far. It was in my
early adolescence, I developed a crush on her. I shall not call it
‘love’ because I know it was not and perhaps even now it is sheer
adolescent fascination. From the very first day that I conceived a crush
on her to the day I wrote my romantic confession, I enlightened myself
particularly on the subject of conjugal affairs in teenagers.
There were a lot of girls and boys in my class who got attracted to
one another and started some affairs which they themselves called as
‘love’. After some episodes of chocolate-sharing and love-lettering,
everything was brought to an end by the gradual decrease of interest and
attraction to one another.
Now let’s see what happened in my case, firstly, I got a crush on my
sunflower (The name implies her someway or other). In the second stage,
I began to show some outward reactions on this issue such as singing
love songs in the vicinity of the girl. In the third stage, everything
subdued suddenly since I involved myself in far more important things.
I seemed to have forgotten her. No, still she was in my dreams at
least in blurred images. In the forth stage, my Sunflower who was at the
vicinity my eyes could catch, got away from my vision.
Thus begans the revival of my romantics. I never thought of having a
traditional love affair with her at anytime. Rather, I wanted to love
her in the most authentic way, not anyway a hypocritic lover I wanted to
Still I am wondering whether the word ‘love’ suits the purpose even
though I have begun to realise that there is some purity even if it
should have been mere lustre at the beginning. I am in such a
philosophical dilemma. I have now begun to compare her with the sky....
- Kush Failee
Love Lines
Still I could remember the smell of your skin
Even in the middle of a million of fragrances
I could see the glamour of your eyes
Even in the middle of a billion of stars
Still I could feel the warmth of your hands
Even in between trillion senses
I hear your voice through the echoes of infinity
I swear that I love you from the bottom of my heart
As it’s only you in each and every cell and
Molecule of mine
I created a blissful world for you in my thoughts
I built a heavenly home so warm with you there
Yet you are gone; I’m all alone....
Wandering over the desert of pain
The rivers of sorrow
The valleys so dark and deep
Yet no wrath in my heart neither soul....
Because once you called me ‘Angel’
Let me walk on this road of thorns for your fortune
Though it is painful
Though my feet bleed till the last drop
Though my breath flies away from me
Then truly I could become your Angel and
Shelter you forever......
- Angel