My Dear,
My life, my love, my word is only for you. When I see your smiling
face I feel that the whole world is mine. That's why I am searching for
you everyday on my way to school from the first day I saw you.
I think you will love me one day because I read your eyes. I'm
thinking about you always. You are the thief who stole my heart, but
today only my pillow knows my tears and my burning soul. I miss you
everyday in everyway. I'm still searching for you everyday on my way to
school but you aren't there.
Now I know, I have to say you goodbye. It has become harder indeed to
live without you. I'm hoping when you'll come back some day. I don't
know about that day but it doesn't matter I will be there forever
waiting for you.....
Yours, "N"
Love lines

I won't leave you
There are ways to
Dream about me
If you try, you shall see
Now I am happy to say that
There is a place in your heart
For me ....
Yes, my sweety
Whenever you close eyes
You shall see me
Whenever your heart is touched
You shall feel me
Whenever you listen to wind
You shall hear me
Though, I connot reach you
As the distance between us
Is so long ......
I will not leave you in thought
Though we have been parted
Physically, my sweetheart!
- Srinath Kumarasinghe