H.A. Karu - art guru
In life, beauty perishes, but not in art.
(Leonardo da Vinci)
an esteemed gesture, a bright decision was recently reached, to endow
high academic honours on the doyen of Sri Lankan artists - H.A.
Karunaratne. As I see it, this is an honour, simultaneously conferred
upon this distinguished individual and on the total creative urge of our
noble land.

H.A Karunaratne |
Parallel to this significant event, a Retrospective Exhibition had
been mounted to provide a fleeting glimpse of the sustained development
of this remarkable artist saint.
What so very vividly emerges from this shining profile, is a creative
personality, whom any nation could be justly proud of.
H.A. Karu has his roots in a picturesque village. This rural setting
was his initial university. The artists and craftsmen of his village,
who added a touch of vibrant liveliness, inspired, him by their
adeptness. The colourful murals of the temple, formed the 'picture-book'
that imparted moral instructions, to last a life-time. Delving into the
wisdom, he garnered from his childhood village, H.A. Karu observes, that
the ordinary villagers are keen appreciators of 'abstract' art.
The murals in the temple are abstract art - in spirit. The variegated
lotus motifs that fill wall-spaces, are abstract portrayals of the real
lotus. And again, in those murals, the sun and the moon are given human
H.A. Karu is largely an untutored genius. The call came from within
and he nourished it. The spell of formal instruction, entrenched his
liberal and unorthodox attitude towards art. He pursued his freedom in
art-unabashed, undaunted and uninhibited.
As good fortune, had it, I had the privilege to keep track of his
creative progress over several decades.
His early works are a Festival of Rhythms. In those, throbbing,
thrilling spasms of colour and light vibrate in a living movement. The
patterns of mature linear deployments and passages of graded and
contoured colours seem to move in obedience to an invisible, yet
apparent discipline.

Soul Searching |
In yet another phase of H.A. Karu's works, his art takes on the guise
of visual songs. Words are everyday tools, we use in speech and writing.
But, the poet transforms the grossness of the spoken and the written
word, into a new evocative richness. Then comes along the lyricist. In
his hands words take on a rhythmic fluidity. In his songs, words melt.
They shimmer, scintillate and dance. At one stage in his development,
Artist H.A. Karu too emerged as a lyricist of the brush and the palette,
allowing his paintings to appear as 'Visual Songs.'
H.A. Karu has decided views about, the conventional notions relating
to the 'meaning' of works of art. It unthinkably harsh to dissect and
reduce H.A. Karu's art into readily discernible 'meanings'. His creative
contemplations, captured with delicacy and high taste on canvas, enter
into a spiritual dialogue with the inner being of the beholder. In such
an intimate give and take the search for a specific 'meaning' seems a
futile exercise.
Artist H.A. Karu is preoccupied with forging his metal in art.
A good part of his creations, in the current phase is, in metal.
These messages forged in metal are generally titled as 'Soul Searching'.
In these sculptures the artist's soul has soared freely beyond the
limits and confines of paintings. In such instances, I tend to think,
that, the artist has set aside those familiar tools of his creative
expression namely, the brush, the palette, and the usual canvas.
Here, his chosen medium is an unyielding material that is quite
challenging and unmalleable. He works in the unsupple medium of metal,
as the means through which he could communicate realities that are
beyond the work-a-day world. In effect, it is a kind of 'Space Art'. In
his latest forged metallic compositions, 'white' predominates, suffusing
the works with a kind of ethereality.
H.A. Karu can look back upon a colourful career, that has ramified
even beyond our shores.
Way back in 1960, he won a research scholarship to study in Japan.
This widened. his creative horizons. It deepened his vision and
philosophy. Over and above all those professional benefits, the Japanese
tour yielded a `bonus' that is long lasting. It is in Japan that he
`won' his wife.
H. A. Karu spends quality time with his wife, children and
grand-children, while continuously burnishing his creative vision.
`Prophet' `Sage' and `Saint' are some expressions that could be
attached to his personality, as he keeps on evolving.
At one particular stage in his development, he produced a series,
which seemed as if he had directly transferred his inner perception, to
canvas, without the interference of the brush and the palette. In each
of these canvases, the spectator seems to obtain a glimpse of a facet of
his inner most being. If through some kind of process, a wisp of pure
thought could acquire a colour, it would be equal to a panting of this
phase. HA's art of this period is a kind of Haiku evoking especially the
world famous Haiku about the frog jumping into an eternally quiet pond,
disturbing its ageless placidity, momentarily.
His personal career is replete with glorious moments. He won a
Fullbright Award to study Graphic Art in the US. The tour was an
aesthetic pilgrimage. He visited world-renowned art museums, studying
the work of masters.
As an art guru he has shaped the lives of several generations of
students. His primary outlook as a teacher, has been to inculcate
creative freedom in the minds of his charges. He discarded the idea of
cribbing and confining the students by strict rules, regulations,
traditions and school-loyalties. His students who have achieved eminence
are ever grateful to their teacher.
The honour conferred upon him is a telling symbol of their gratitude,
love and affection to art guru H. A. Karu, who gave them a freedom of
The fame and honour he has earned sit lightly on him. His way of life
is characterized by a simplicity, that befits a saint who has discard
all burdens.
But, his creativity is perpetually abuzz. He is quite likely to have
a whole series of creative surprises up his sleeve.