The many shades of yellow

In July, the Esala blossoms droop in bridal veil clusters
From the boughs of the trees.
Their citron cups so fragile, yet protective
Of the dormant life within.
Underfoot, the gleam of chrome,
Of orpiment and lemon;
Tawny, creamy, dusted with dew,
Humble flora raise their heads
Radiant with bloom.
A flash of purest sunshine ray -
The oriole wings by,
Dropping notes of liquid gold
To match his rich array.
The forest roads to reach the shrines
Are rimed with ochre dust,
And bricks of amber, shades of tan,
Gamboges, bronze and rust.
Glints of gold on arm and ear
Of pilgrims in transition,
Not striving to outshine the sun,
But seeking revelation.
Dusk - and clay wick lamps are lit
In temples by the faithful;
Their watchful faces lit by flames
Fed with aureate oil.
The clergy in their saffron robes
With modest, downcast glance.
In quest of truth within this sphere,
Heroic in serenity, in spiritual advance.
Faith Ratnayake
The poet describes eloquently the profound serenity in a Buddhist
temple on a Poya Day (full-moon day). The yellow has been used as a
potent symbol of religiosity which prevails in the precincts of the
temple. Everywhere is the radiant yellow, yellow robes, yellow flowers
and burning wicks of the earthen-ware lamps. The poet uses a melodious
language to recreate the ambiance of religiosity. -Indeewara
Adios Brazil

The seconds kept passing,
My stomach's somewhat churning;
The whistle I just hear blowing,
The curtain, very slowly now falling.
I come to my room and see a poster
Of, a team then titled "Master"!
Pasted eight years ago,
Left of them, it's only Lucio!
Kaka's golden boot,
Robino's swollen foot,
Mixed with an unanswered prayer:
To go back home,tonight will prepare...
They were my ONLY dream-come-true,
The brilliant Rs, Edmilson too:
From the days when skies were blue,
When I had faith that dreams come true!
THEY never let me down, Brazil,
And for life, I was full of zeal..
Nobody promised that things stay the same,
Beauty of the past,only brings me pain.
A little tear was falling fast,
I felt a skip of a beat in my heart;
My sighs kept wailing "Alas! Alas!"
As quietly Brazil bid painful adios!!
I still, wave the flag; I do,
I've grown up-I accept that too.
From a shattered pile of dreams I pick you,
Argentina, don't let me cry for YOU!!!
G.C.Priyangwada Perera
This is a poem about Brazilian football. The poet describes a
popular Brazilian team which was once the champion of the game. The poem
is in simple diction and the poet has used short but sharp lines to
recall the glorious days of the past. -Indeewara
A hushed question

"Where's my momma?"
A four year old asks me,
Sitting in the corner of the roadway-
His face full of scars and blemishes,
Hands unhygienic with mud,
Eyes with long-ago dried tears,
Lips quivering into soundless sighs-
For the memory carved into his small heart.
People throw coins to his crackling tin,
Yet, neither answers his query.
Four year olds going to and fro with mommas,
Giving kisses to their beloved pappas...
Yet, would this child love millions of pennies
Than a bit of love and sight of his momma...?
Tharanga Mannapperuma
Through an incident of a beggar boy crying for his mama, the poet
depicts the plight of the child in an evocative manner. The passers by
would drop coins into the tin and the boy in rag would repeat the
question "Where's my momma?" ,a hushed question. What the child needs is
not merely money but love. The hapless child watches children of his age
walking along the pavement with their parents. The poem is marked for
its idiomatic language and creation of situations. -Indeewara
The Loss
The beautiful painting
You painted on the
Canvas of my heart
Brought a new sense
Filling my world
With joy and new hopes
Which I never felt.
But alas ! Everything lasted
For a short time,
For, the disobedient
Waves of horoscope
Carried it away
Never to be found
Again! A.
Jayalath Basnagoda
Here is a poet highlighting the plight of most of Sri Lankan
lovers. Though we claim that Sri Lankan society had advanced by leaps
and bounds, it is still doubtful given the beliefs in horoscope. The
poet describes a painful departure of lovers due to horoscopes.
Skillfully the poet describes the beautiful picture that love created in
his heart and how the high hopes for a happy marriage withered away in a
wave of horoscopes. The poem is noted for its brevity of expression. -Indeewara