Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 8 August 2010





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Cataclysmic Colombo!

You know it’s gone right into your head when you’ve checked out yet another Sunday gig date that, really, doesn’t start on time. Just the gore of jamming would perk your ears up so much that it’s not just the art of metal mayhem but the fanaticism of mayhem.

Checking out five outfits with the new band Legion starting with some metal moss pit action, Colombo was marked to be taken down by Deathfest hosted by legendary drummer Tyronne Silva. In more raw action, we did see heavy death lashings of Old Castles Massacre thrown in for good measure and then elements of Funeral in Heaven to brew a Hela Black Metal potion.

On Sohan and Fallen Grace, the graceless ones with faces to match painted Preach Me Dark posters. They made the melodic metal treatment for a pain pure as a Putrid Remain. If that’s not enough, Paranoid Earthling proved that it wasn’t just about long hair and screaming voices that made their roots of Kandy pretty randy. In true ‘Rock and Roll is my Anarchy’ fashion, it was a melting pot of a witche’s brew best not touched under a hot flame.

The Sunday Observer magazine did have some time to check out what Tyronne Silva has to say about music. “You see, Sri Lanka has plenty of potential but unless you go there and show your stuff, you’re never going to get anywhere.”

So taking Tyronne and of course the famous Chity Somapala as examples, our dudes would know that if you’ve got what it takes, then you got the milk that shakes. In any event, in true metal style, Tyronne advises, “If you’re a person committed to making it big in the metal scene or just about anywhere, you have to be ready to give up things that would normally make you happy.” It’s not just everything but discipline and determination is definitely the key in tackling difficult terrain.

Tyronne never got it easy and it was in the past 10 years that he really made it big enough to hit a one million Rupee drum set all provided for by some notable sponsors. “We should always give because we gain in many ways and it was a dream to play in my home country and inspire young dudes to join in.” Tyronne is famous for his drum workshops, jam sessions and his glory with his drums.

Music isn’t about just picking sticks and drumming to death. Tyronne says, “You need to know your foundation and have an expert to correct you if you’re wrong. With the Internet and modern technology it makes it more accessible to learn but do learn what’s correct and eventually, make your own signature style.”

Tyronne also said that it wasn’t easy when he made it to the major German metal band, Orth. “I started out as a fan of Orth and it was during a drum duo with a friend where I got the offer to get a drumming position with the renowned band”, said Tyronne. Moreover, Tyronne has been true to his drumming faith and does as much as possible to inspire and train Sri Lankan drummers.

At present, he is keen on forming his own band with a bassist, guitarist and keyboard player. So let’s hope all the young ones out there do make it to playing it big with Tyronne.

Thanks to a cool set of organisers, it was a fairly good crowd that turned up to see the metal types in their horns and peace symbols. What was just mind bending was his drum roll action and his major tie-ups with Pearl and Zildijan.

“I would like to thank Maxi Perera and Jude Peiris for their help in making my previous gigs a success,” he said. Of course, we didn’t know Navy boys sure loved metal music of a different nature!

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