Wonder plant Maduruthala to eradicate dengue menace

Poster on maduruthala

Dr. C.D. Palathiratne
'Prevention is better than cure' must be the most appropriate saying
in controlling the deadly dengue disease which had engulfed almost the
entire country within the first eight months of the year claiming more
than 200 lives.
The entire nation is lined up to fight against the deadly dengue
disease during the past few weeks but with plus and minus points on the
methodology they use in controlling the dengue disease. Whatever the
methodology they use, whether it's western or eastern, modern or
primitive, all those methodologies focus on controlling and destroying
mosquito breeding grounds and the ways of avoiding contacting mosquitoes
since it was the most appropriate means of getting out of the serious
Therefore, everyone dealing on the subject from western physicians to
traditional physicians came out with various methodologies to combat
dengue. The Chief Medical Officer of Department of Indigenous Medicine
of the CMC Dr.C.D. Palathiratne came out with the methodology of using
herbal plant maduruthala to prevent dengue spreading in the Colombo
Sitting in his office, next to Mariyakade market in Maradana one of
the most dengue affected areas in the Colombo city, Dr. Palathiratne
said not a single mosquito was found in his room after he started fuming
maduruthala into his room. "Earlier I used to find few mosquitoes inside
my air conditioned room", he added.
Explaining the use of maduruthala as a mosquito preventive method Dr.
Palithiratne said that it was not possible to control the mosquito
menace using modern technology.
"For the last 10 to 15 months we have been battling with this
problem. It's a difficult task. You have to destroy the mosquito
breeding grounds. That is the most important thing in dengue
prevention", he added.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa when he started the campaign with the
help of the Presidential Task Force he appealed to traditional
physicians to come out with their traditional methodologies.
"Therefore, we initiated this project inspired by our Commissioner
Badrani Jayawardena who is from Anuradhapura", he added.
Badrani Jayawardena hailing from Anuradhapura gave him inspiration to
think about the plant called maduruthala which is grown in rural areas
to prevent mosquito entering their houses.

Maduruthala plant

Powdered maduruthala mixed with kohomba leaves ready for
distribution |
Using maduruthala was one of the methodologies used by rural people.
Burning cashew nut peels and citric oil are other methods. According to
Dr. Palathiratne the ancient people used to fume their houses using
herbal leaves when there was an infectious disease spreading in their
areas. "If there is some kind of an epidemic they made use of smoke from
herbs. But in cities they don't do that", he added.
"Maduruthala is a triple purpose plant as it can be used to avoid
mosquitos coming to the house, as an ornamental plant and also as herbal
medicine for cough and cold", Dr. Palathiratne added.
He said public can obtain Maduruthala and kohomba leaves powder and
maduruthala seeds free from the CMC Indigenous Medicine Department,
Maradana. So far the Colombo Municipal Council Indigenous Medicine
Department has conducted five clinics in Maradana, Dematagoda, Kotahena
and Slave Island.
The Department launched an awareness program to educate the people on
the importance of this maduruthala plant. "We also distributed the seeds
of this maduruthala plants to the people to grow them in their gardens.
It can also be used as an ornamental plant in a small pot or in a
plastic can", he added.
Explaining further, Dr. Palathiratne said the plant maduruthala is
also called 'Vishnu Priya' in Sanskrit. The Hindus believe that they can
get the blessings of God Vishnu out of this maduruthala plant'.Anyone
can find garlands made out of maduruthala flowers in kovils. In sanskrit
'Vishnu Priya' means you will get the blessing of God Vishnu. Therefore,
they grew maduruthala in their villages and others in their home
They plant maduruthala in front of the house because the smell that
emenates from the plant avoids mosquitoes coming into the house. "That
is what we have been explaining to the people. That is a plant that
could prevent dengue mosquitoes entering the house", Dr. Palathiratne
Explaining a scientific point behind using maduruthala, Dr.
Palathiratne said when you avoid the contact of mosquito and avoid the
blood meal for mosquitoes, the mosquitoes will exist by taking juices of
the plants. But the blood is essential for the maturation of their
eggs."Once the maturation of the eggs is not there they can't pass their
breed. That is the scientific fact on controlling mosquitoes by using
maduruthala ", he added. The use of maduruthala is also an environmental
friendly methodology in controlling the mosquitoes. Using modern toxic
vapours to control mosquitoes will destroy all the butterfly and other
flora too.
"I tried this method at my office. And it worked well. I prepared the
powder and we used to fumigate with this powder like using Kattakumanjal.
After three days not a single mosquiteo was found in the room. Once you
fumigate the smell retains and mosquitos do not enter" he said. "The
dengue and mosquito menace cannot be eradicated in one month or in two
months. It will take another few years. That is why we thought of
distributing Maduruthala seeds freely to the public", Dr. Palathiratne
said. There is huge demand for this and also this is a tripple purpose
Asked whether any Ayurvedic treatment is available for dengue, Dr.
Palathiratne said since it's a deadly disease it needs thorough
research. "We are able to treat for common dengue. But not for the
haemorrhagic fever", he added.Some people say that papaw leaves are
being used for dengue. But that trial had been done only for very few
numbers. "Therefore, the best way is to avoid contacting mosquitoes by
destroying the mosquito breeding grounds to control the disease and use
whatever the methodology to control it", he said. |