Value of reading
Reading gives a person a deep knowledge about various subjects.
Normally people read for pleasure during leisure. Some make it a hobby.
An avid reader is a well versed person.

There are so many things to read such as newspaper articles, novels,
short stories, magazines, periodicals, biographies and so on. However,
one must know what to read and what not to read.
Reading is a good mental exercise which develops our brain and mental
power. We need to know the particular language to read a book written in
that language. Reading also improves our language skills such as our
vocabulary, and understanding of idiomatic expressions.
Some of our ancient people could not read by themselves, so they used
to go to places like temples where Jathaka stories were read by the
Buddhist monks in the presence of an audience. By reading literature on
different countries we get to know their pattern of living, important
places and so on.
It is said that 'Reading maketh a fullman' because people can acquire
a lot of knowledge by reading. I love to read story books.
M.F.F. Fahima,
Grade 8,Azhar Central College,
Cow and calf
We have a cow named Raththti. It is red. It has a beautiful calf and
it's very playful.
They eat grass and leaves together. I often feed them with watamara
and manioc leaves. I love them and they love me too. They lick my body
when I feed them.
Raththi gives us fresh milk. It is a very useful animal. The calf is
my playmate. It can run fast. I enjoy playing with it.
N.M. Tharindu Bandara,
Grade 4 Rose, Army School,
My best
My best vacation for this year was the April school holidays. My
father promised to take us to Sigiriya and Dambulla during the holidays.
As we had decided to go on this trip on April 12, my sisters and I got
up early on that day and got ready to leave home by 8.30 a.m.I was so
excited and impatient too as it was a long journey.
We stayed in a hotel in Kandalama and had an enjoyable time,
especially in the pool. We were pleasantly surprised by some relatives
who were also staying in the same hotel. Together, we had so much more
fun.The next day we visited the Dambulla Rock Temple. It was a tough
task climbing the rock, but I made it to the top and visited the five
caves. Then we went to see the Minneriya tank which was built by King
We also went to see the Giritale tank. After that we went to the
In the night, the hotel held an Avurudu Kumari contest and I took
part in it. I was selected as the best dressed contestant. Everyone
clapped and cheered me. The next day we went to the eco-park where there
were different species of snakes and butterflies. We saw a giant
squirrel and a cute little deer whom my sister and I fed with leaves. We
also saw the fearsome crocodile. It was quite scary.
We left for Sigiriya after lunch.It was a half an hour's drive.lMy
father and I decided to climb the Sigiriya rock. It was tiring to climb
but we made it to the top.
The next day, we went on an elephant ride, which I enjoyed very much.
Then we went to the Sigiriya museum which was very educational. After
lunch we left for Colombo. It was the end of an unforgettable trip. It
was the best trip ever in my life.
Amani Gaffoor,
Grade 5, Royal Institute Girls' School.
Impact of decisions on your life
Decisions play an important role in life. Your whole life may be
ruined or become a success depending on your decisions.

The most appropriate path in life to follow is based on the decisions
you make.
Depending on your behaviour, mood and how you react in a particular
situation, various decisions are made. Some people feel as if they are
suffocating with the wrong decisions taken by them. As a result some
might even attempt suicide or go on the wrong path and destroy
However, if you are able to make the right decisions at the correct
time, there isn't any reason to feel suffocated and torture yourselves.
Many people, especially in business, make wrong decisions and
sometimes it affects the company's profits. Such wrong decisions are
taken mainly due to the incomplete, incorrect, invalid information they
come across.
Without giving much thought, many people take quick decisions. They
might not know if they are right and wrong and pay the price for them,
So, make sure that you take time to think about whatever decisions
you take because your life always depends on them.
Devmini Thilakshi Perera,
Grade 10B,
Gateway College,
Gardening, a
great hobby
Gardening is a good hobby as well as a good form of exercise to do
during leisure. Some people like to walk or relax with a book. Others
prefer to hike or cycle as a form of exercise.

I do gardening in the morning, relax awhile in the afternoon and
again engage in gardening, as time permits me.
After I attend to my chores in the garden, I am very tired. My
muscles ache after weeding. My back, arms, legs and shoulders all hurt
due to my tired muscles. No wonder, since I have been exercising all
day! Raking, weeding and trimming the grass and trees are all done by
me, alone. I enjoy it very much and find that I need not go to the
gymnasium for exercises because I get all the exercise I need from
I do gardening as a hobby. I love to see the garden with pretty
flowers blooming in the morning, the pleasant smell of the flowers
spreading everywhere,colourful butterflies sucking honey from the
flowers and birds chirping on trees.
Gardening is a good exercise as well as a fascinating hobby anyone
can do. Gardening helps us develop our mental and physical abilities.
The green around the area soothes our eyes and purifies our blood
circulation too. As it's essential for all of us to have plenty of
exercise and fresh air to maintain good health, gardening is a good
hobby to follow.
Minesh Chanuka
Grade 8, Sri Sumangala College,
Battle against deadly dengue
Mosquitoes are very dangerous insects because they sting us and not
only make us itchy all over but also very ill. There are many kinds of
mosquitoes that could cause various diseases when they sting a
human-being. One such disease is dengue.
do we get rid of these mosquitoes? The government has taken steps to
organise clean-up campaigns and spray chemicals to destroy these
mosquitoes and their breeding places.
The spread of the deadly mosquito borne disease has led to the death
of many in the country, over the past several months .
Hundreds of people have died and over 9000 cases detected, mainly in
urban areas such as Colombo, Gampaha and Kandy.
The disease is spread by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which breeds in
stagnant pools of fresh water. It can be fatal if the disease is not
recognised early and left untreated. Suspected cases of dengue should be
rushed to medical care, immediately. A simple blood test can reveal the
possible presence of the dengue virus through a platelet count.
Symptoms, of dengue include high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting,
back pains, joint pains and rashes. The most severe form - Dengue
Haemorrhagic Fever - causes internal bleeding, which can be detected
through the presence of bleeding patches under the skin. Children are
especially susceptible. It is vital to keep taking liquids to re-hydrate
a patent's body. Aspirin should be avoided as it can increase bleeding.
If we take proper precautions, we can have a good night's sleep and
also protect ourselves from contracting diseases spread by the menacing
Dengue is a disease that can be deadly. It has no certain cure and
there is no vaccine to prevent it either. The best way to prevent dengue
is to eliminate the places where the mosquito lays eggs, mainly
artificial containers outside, such as plastic bags, bottles, tins and
anything that can collect rainwater.
Therefore, we must keep our houses and the environment clean always.
Kalpani Nimanthi
Grade 9E,
Devi Balika Vidyalaya,
Colombo 8.
My ambition
person has an ambition in life, which makes that person act and work
hard towards achieving the goal.
If we are determined to reach a goal we cannot afford to idle. We
should work hard with determination and dedication until we reach it.
Like all students, I too have an ambition. That is to become a doctor
and serve mankind. I have a great respect for doctors and I think the
doctors of today are doing a great service to us all. They are like the
roots of a tree. Just as the roots of a tree help its growth and
survival, so do doctors help the nation survive. As a doctor, I do not
intend making a lot of money. My main aim is to serve the poor and the
I would serve them free of charge. I would have a clinic of my own
and also do experiments to find out new medicines to cure incurable
I do hope that I would be able to achieve my ambition.
Chathuka Bandara,
Sussex College,
Kurunegala. |