Only children not so lonely
Those without siblings may not lack social skills :
It is a widely held stereotype that children who grow up without
brothers or sisters may be "oddballs" or "misfits." But new research
undermines that notion-suggesting that any deficiency that does exist in
only children's social skills when they are young has disappeared by
their teens.
The results of the new study also put social-science research under
the spotlight. Just what is the right methodology to study such an
emotive (tending to arouse emotions ) topic? And how are parents
supposed to make head or tail of the conflicting messages they get from
such studies? It has long been established that only children tend to
have greater cognitive ability than those with many siblings, but some
researchers have regarded that as counterbalanced by weaker social
skills-which could potentially pose a problem for only children as they

Some of the most persuasive evidence for that view up till now comes
from a 2004 study of more than 20,000 kindergarten children in the
United States, which showed that teachers rated only children as having
poorer social skills than their peers who had at least one
sibling-reporting less self-control, fewer interpersonal skills and more
behaviourial problems. To study the phenomenon into adolescence,
sociologists Donna Bobbitt-Zeher and Douglas Downey from Ohio State
University in Columbus drew on existing data from the US National
Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. At the annual meeting of the
American Sociological Association in Atlanta this week, they presented
an analysis of responses of 13,466 middle- and high-school students from
grades 7-12 who were asked to select five friends from among the
students at their school.The researchers found that children without
siblings are just as likely to be selected as friends by their
classmates as those who grew up with brothers and sisters.
"In every combination we tested, siblings had no impact on how
popular a student was among peers," says Bobbitt-Zeher.
"I don't think anyone has to be concerned that if you don't have
siblings, you won't learn the social skills you need to get along with
other students in high school."
Mixed messages? But the differing results from the two studies raise
a number of questions.
The adolescent study relies on peer nominations of friendship to
assess social skills, whereas the 2004 study-also carried out by
Downey-asked teachers to rate the children's social skills.
Are the only children becoming more socially aware as they mature and
spend time among their peers? Or are the different results simply due to
the two different evaluation methods? The answer, says Downey, is the
former, and in evidence he cites a follow-up analysis of the
kindergarten children, which he plans to publish soon.
On reaching fifth grade, the social skills of the 2004 cohort troop
were again assessed by their teachers-and revealed the same result as
the adolescent study based on friendship: there was no difference in
social skills between those with and without siblings."That the
disadvantage of lacking siblings is not there in fifth grade using the
same measure gives us more confidence that, while there is a non-trivial
difference in the way we are measuring social skills, the story is
really about the children's age," says Downey. "In 2004 I would have
said, 'We are seeing modest evidence that there might be some
social-skills deficits among only children and we don't know what
happens to those later on in life' ...Now I would say, 'It looks like
the original deficit that we saw in kindergarten doesn't bear out for
very long and is overcome probably through greater peer interaction.'"
Guang Guo, a sociologist at the University of North Carolina in
Chapel Hill, is familiar with the data set used in the adolescent study.
He describes the new findings as "reasonable" and agrees there is "not
necessarily" a conflict with the earlier studies.
- Courtesy: naturenews |